WOMEN`S EFFORTS FOR PEACE BUILDING Presented By Betty Sharon Coast Women In Devellopment Kenya Peace Conference 2015 On 17 th - 18 th September 2015 At Hekima Institute for Peace Studies and International Relations
. “ Who Creates Harmony The World Over? Women, Who Signs Peace Deals? Men” Title of the Guardian Article
Introduction While the unanimous adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security in Oct ober 2000 (hereafter Resolution 1325). The interest in women`s role in conflict resolution and peace building has increased. Resolution 1325 recognizes the relevance of gender in peace and security matters, and mandate all United Nations member ‐ states to ensure full participation of women at all levels of decision ‐ making in conflict resol ution and peace processes
Introduction cont Introduction cont. The resolution as well calls for the protection of women and girls against violence during and after conflict and for after conflict, and for the adaption of gender perspective to prevent and mitigate impacts of conflict on women.
Why Women’s Involvement in Peace Building. Women are critical to building the peace after conflict. Women are increasingly becoming parties to conflicts. In addition to being recruited into regular and irregular armed forces, they have also become powerful voices opposing conflict
Cont. Women comprise more than half of the world population. We are loosing half of the world’s potential by not including women & girls in all aspects of global problem solving. Engaging women in peace building is not just a moral issue or a question of equality but an efficiency issue. Women are not only combatants or survivors, peace- builders or bystanders, they play a role in the transition from war to peaceful development.
Value Added That Women Have Brought To Peace Building Processes There are countless examples of women who have intervened in conflicts all over the world, but most of their stories have never been recorded, and their efforts not counted. Ability to form coalitions across conflict lines as in Liberia, when Christian and Muslim women united by waging “sit-ins” at the markets, and refusing to work as a means to stop the out of control violence of Charles Taylor and his armed gangs
Cont Women should and can play in the processes of peace building and conflict prevention, including peace talks, conflict mediation, and all aspects of post-conflict reconstruction Women bring to the peace table their practical understanding of the issues confronting them and their communities. Women’s participation in peace processes enhances the legitimacy and sustainability of the processes themselves
Promoting Peace And Preventing Violence Against Women Accountability for war crimes committed against women – not just for the sake of justice, but to reestablish the rule of law Convincing men with guns that there is no impunity in acting against women. Using the available resources to build the social structures that will empower women to play their full role in post-conflict reconstruction
Cont. Ensuring documentation and recognition of women efforts and initiatives in politics, development, peace and security issues At the local and community levels, we need better and more creative outreach and educational strategies to highlight instances where women have played roles as problem-solvers, entrepreneurs and leaders. Establish avenues beyond newspapers, policy briefs or academic studies to illustrate the roles women have played, are playing to bring peace to their community, state and region.
Benefits Of Involving Women Leadership In Peace Building: Women are more likely than men to adopt a broad definition of peace which includes the household level and focuses on the attainment of individual rights and freedoms such as education, healthcare and freedom from violence. Peace means different things to women and men because of their unique experiences as a result of war.
cont Women in positions of authority, civilian or military, have greater opportunity to communicate with the local population. Can collect valuable information on a wide range of issues including sexual violence, humanitarian access, human rights abuses and needs of survivors. The experience of women in peace operations helps inform gender mainstreaming efforts in program design
Cont. Women have better negotiation skills including mediation between communities and different forces by negotiating for the end of conflicts, the release of captured relative and retrieving of the dead. Women not only call for issues specific to themselves but raise issues that affect society as a whole, such as land reforms, access to loans and capacity- building.
Sustainable And Long-term Effort At Coordination Of Peace Building. Documenting women’s efforts and initiatives in Peace Building. Increase representation and participation of women in national and local governance including the planning and implementation of the peace building and post-conflict reconstruction efforts. Involve the media institutions and all actors working on peace and security in Kenya as part of peace process to educate the public about armed conflict generally and its impact on women, girls and children.
. Thank You For Listening.