From Potential Conflict to Co-operation Potential Water for Peace a contribution to World Water Assessment Programme
Water for Peace :
BAR SCALECOPDAB SCALE BAR EVENT DESCRIPTION -715Formal declaration of war; extensive war acts causing deaths, dislocation or high strategic costs -614Extensive military acts -513Small scale military acts -412Political-military hostile actions -311Diplomatic-economic hostile actions -210Strong verbal expressions displaying hostility in interaction 9Mild verbal expressions displaying discord in interaction 08Neutral or non-significant acts for the inter-nation situation 17Minor official exchanges, talks or policy expressions--mild verbal support 26Official verbal support of goals, values, or regime 35Cultural or scientific agreement or support (non-strategic) 44Non-military economic, technological or industrial agreement 53Military economic or strategic support 62International freshwater treaty; Major strategic alliance (regional or international) 71Voluntary unification into one nation
Distribution of total events by issue area
Number of events by issue area
Purpose: To tip the balance in favour of co-operation potential away from potential conflicts in order to enhance water security
Target Groups Institutions and individuals that manage shared water resources: Governments Donor and funding agencies Educators at all levels Professionals Current and future decision-makers
Operational objectives Defining and Surveying Conflicts in Water Resources Management Identifying possible PC and CP indicators Providing Educational Material Providing Decision Support Tools Disseminating results and good practices
DISCIPLINARY TRACK History Law Negotiation, Facilitation, Mediation Systems Analysis Track Outputs
CASE STUDY TRACK Track Outputs The case studies Examples of good practices Aral sea Columbia Rhine Danube Jordan Incomati Mekong Nile A Desk Study A broader spectrum of cases based on available references
EDUCATIONAL TRACK A 3-week course for experts, trainers and postgraduate students Professional/Master’s certificate in transboundary water management topping up postgraduate degrees Track Outputs Educational workbook for mid level water resources managers and senior executives A 3-week course for postgraduate students experts and trainers A 5-day version for diplomats, decision- makers
Project outputs summarized in A joint UNESCO-GCI Report Inputs to the WWDR: Chapter on “sharing water resources”
PCCP Inputs for the 1st Edition of the WWDR Address the challenge of sharing water resources Tentative definition of water conflicts Assessment of tools available for the prevention and the resolution of water conflicts Map showing the current basins at risk and those cooperating Reflection of the spirit of PCCP
International Conference From Conflict to Co-operation in International Water Resources Management: Challenges and Opportunities November 2002 IHE-Delft, The Netherlands