Building Healthy Schools: an intersectoral governmental collaboration CPHA's 2007 Annual Conference SEPTEMBER 17, 2007
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Healthier Kids = Better Learners
Targets Pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy Targets 20 % increase by 2015 in the proportion of Canadians who: are physically active, make healthy food choices, and are at a healthy weight.
Statistics Canada Report Obesity by age
25% of daily calories consumed by teens
Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Cancer Cancer Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Respiratory Respiratory
Cube graphic
Comprehensive School Health
Challenges in bringing two systems together
JCSH Role - MAP Deputy Ministers’ Committee Management Committee School Health Coordinators’ Committee
Organizational Structure
Activities Knowledge DevelopmentKnowledge Development LeadershipLeadership Capacity BuildingCapacity Building
Challenges in bringing two systems together
Systems/people change Synergies more effective use of resources improved understanding of roles/better communication support in decision making formalized relationships access to tools and resources mutual understanding of comprehensive school health...