Our approach as a donor toward support of legal framework for NGOs Zuzana Konradova, Open Society Foundation Bratislava
Legal framework and OSFBA Priority to support favorable environment for NGOs New uncovered area of civil law 1992 – 1997 – building civil society in Slovakia and basic legal framework for NGOs Act on foundations, nonprofit organizations, non- investment funds, nonprofit organization providing PB services
Role of OSFBA Provision of: international assistance, E-E projects Expert support place for discussion education for NGOs about legal forms and their purposes grants to implement ideas
2% tax assignation mechanism Challenge for nonprofit sector in Slovakia Expectations and doubts OSFBA encouraged the idea and continuously supports “2% for better life” Beginning – education of NGOs and public Currently – advocacy to sustain it Systematic vs. fragile element in financing NGOs (1 billion SKK)
Codex of nonprofit legislation 2003 – ambition to reform the legislation for NGOs Unification of all acts related to NGOs under one codex Condition to engage the NOGs in process of commenting Huge discussion – refusal of NGOs (government – controversial) Premature attempt
Public Benefit Discussion Need to solve a question of PB – follow up of codex Seeking criteria for distinction Financial sources – direct or indirect Lack of in-sector discussion Testing our bottom-up approach – from NGOs opinions to new law
Activities Analyses – Legislation and practice National conference International seminar Local roundtables in 8 dictricts Resource center and moderated discussion
Conclusions of PB project Definition of PB not a goal Recommendations: - the right for PB service - in the constitutional law - mechanism of 2% tax assignation – connected to PB definition Positive opinion about PB status
Revision and further development of legal framework Legal analyses of current status Compliance with EU Building of legal doctrine of nonprofit sector and strategic litigation Expert commenting of government proposals Advocacy
Role and approach Conveyor, pioneer in supporting pilot initiatives Advisor, facilitator and implementator Grant-maker Our approach – openness, flexibility (discretionary fund)