Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany [Name of the infrastructure / site / time series…] Contact person: [name, ] [Institution(s) running the observations] Additional information: [provide website] Please feel free to add logos of installations, institutions, funding agencies, international partners…
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Introduction The infrastructure / site / time series in brief [specify infrastructure location] [indicate type (permanent installation, regular monitoring program, distributed sensor network…)] [indicate the institution(s) running the observations, specify contributions] Brief history [observation start, history of key improvements] add maps and images of the installation if appropriate
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Scientific and Societal Relevance Rationale for ocean observation efforts at the chosen site [specify the main scientific questions] Main results [specify the main parameters determined] [specify the main results obtained / expected] [describe contribution to main societal challenges: climate, biodiversity, sustainable use, monitoring of good environmental status…] [provide 2-3 key publications] add graphs if appropriate
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Scientific and Societal Relevance (2) [insert text] spare slide if needed
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Observation technology Actual Configuration [define type of configuration (mooring, benthic observatory, glider fleet, drifting profilers…)] [indicate the main components & sensors the of the installation (CTDs, sediment traps, ADCPs, underwater winch, satellite communication…)] Planned upgrades [describe which technological improvements / amendments you plan for the next couple of years – if possible provide approx. date of implementation] Long term vision [describe improvements you consider most important for the future and specify associated benefits]
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Observation technology (2) [insert text] spare slide if needed
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Data Data archiving and dissemination [specify the mode of data provision: real-time, delayed (for how long)] [specify the frequency at which observations take place (continuous, monthly, annually…)] [indicate the data archive infrastructure used] [specify the data provision policy: open access (direct or on demand), under moratorium (for how long?), restricted to institution / project members…] [specify the data dissemination means (e.g., online via institutes or project homepage, mention other portals that advertise the data or where data are provided to)]
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Users, national & international cooperations Data use [specify the main scientific disciplines served] [indicate the main user groups (scientists, stakeholders, maritime industry and shipping, policy makers, governmental bodies, NGOs)] [specify main origin of users (national, EU, international…)] Cooperation and national/international links [list national and international initiatives / projects / institutions with whom you cooperate / to whom you are linked, specify cooperation (exchange of scientists, joint cruises…)] Contribution to initiatives and obligations [specify national and international initiatives and obligations your observations contribute to (e.g., Marine Strategy Framework Directive…). Discriminate between informal / voluntary contributions and fulfilment of binding obligations]
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Users, national & international cooperations (2) [insert text] spare slide if needed
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Costs Actual personnel efforts and costs [specify the approx. staff effort necessary for the observations (person months / year). Discriminate between (1) maintenance / service, (2) data handling / archiving / quality control, (3) scientific analyses] [specify the costs occurring. Discriminate between personnel costs, ship costs, and other costs (consumables, telecommunication, expenses for third parties)] Future financial needs [provide an estimate of future costs if planned updates / long term visions become reality. Discriminate between investments and operation]
Future Perspectives of Ocean Observatories in Germany Funding Actual funding [provide information on funding sources (institutions’ regular budget, third party funds – specify funding agencies and projects)] [indicate the period of time for which the funding is settled] [describe risks if funding expires: maintenance of restricted services or complete termination] Future funding [provide information on your envisioned long term funding strategy – how are you going to safeguard sustained operation? Mention potential future national and international funding sources (BMBF/DFG, EU)]. [if applicable specify status of requests for future funding (under negotiation, applied for, under discussion…). What will be the potential duration of the funding. Discriminate between funds for continuation of the actual work and funds for future upgrades / long term visions]