Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Social Studies Chapter 1 Review California’s Natural Regions
How to Play: Win $1,000,000 by correctly answering each question…all the way up to the million dollar question! Use the “Regions Book” you made in class to help you answer each question! Good luck – if you can answer all of these questions, you will be ready for the test on Thursday, October 6th!
$100 What tree found along the California coast is the tallest type of tree in the world?
$100: The Redwood
$200 How is the northern coast different from the southern coast of California?
$200: The northern coast has steep, rocky cliffs and is cooler and rainier than the southern coast.
$300 What is a non-renewable resource? Name one non-renewable resource found on the California coast.
$300: A non-renewable resource is one that cannot be made again by people or nature. A non- renewable resource from the coast is petroleum (oil).
$500 Which mountain range has the tallest mountains in California, including the very tallest, Mt. Whitney?
$500: The Sierra Nevadas
$1000 What is a renewable resource? Name one renewable resource found in the mountain region.
$1000: A renewable resource is one that CAN be made again by people or nature. An example from the mountain region is lumber (wood from trees).
$2000 How are the Coast Range Mountains different from the Sierra Nevada Mountains?
$2000: The Coast Range mountains are small, low mountains that are near the coast region of California. All of the mountains in this range are less than 8,000 feet tall.
$4000 What are the two major rivers found in the Central Valley?
$4000: The Sacramento River (in the north) and The San Joaquin River (in the south).
$8000 How does fertile soil help farmers?
$8000: Fertile soil is good for growing things – it helps farmers because it makes their crops more productive.
$16,000 Driving in the Central Valley can be dangerous due to what weather feature?
$16,000: Tule fog
$25,000 What is the overall climate of the desert, and what was the highest temperature ever recorded in California?
$25,000: The climate is hot and dry (although is can get cold at night). The highest temperature ever recorded was 134 degrees!
$50,000 What is lumber and where does it come from?
$50,000: Lumber is wood from trees that have been cut down. Lumber is mainly found in the mountain region.
$100,000 What is the name for water that falls to the Earth’s surface in the form of rain, sleet or snow?
$100,000: Precipitation
$250,000 What do you call a large area of land that shares the same kinds of physical features?
$250,000: A natural region
$500,000 What makes farming possible in the dry deserts of California?
$500,000: Irrigation – using pipes, canals or ditches to carry water from rivers, lakes or reservoirs to dry places.
$1,000,000 Where does most of the borax in California come from, and what is borax used for?
$1,000,000: The mineral borax is mainly found in the desert. Today, it is most often used as an ingredient in cleaning products.
CONGRATULATIONS! If you have answered each question correctly, you have just won $1,000,000!! Come to school on Saturday, January 27 th, 2074 to claim your prize. The other cool thing is that you are going to be totally prepared for your Social Studies test. Thanks for playing! Suggestion: Play once a day every day before the test to make sure you remember each answer!