1 The Cost Effectiveness of Treatment of Personality Disorder Dr. Jan J.V. Busschbach PTC De Viersprong, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam,
2 Cost Effectiveness Cost Effects Cost / Effects QALY League table
3 Rare formal CE research Cost Effectiveness (CE) research focuses on: New pharmaceutical Guidelines NICE / CvZ New high cost technical innovations Hip fractions For most common interventions no data Wheel chair, home care, visits to family doctors… Intervention in Personality Disorder are no exception New initiatives in PD University of Maastricht De Viersprong (UvA, Erasmus MC)
4 What doe we know? Effects can be considerable Personality Disorder can be treated successfully Effect are generic Cost can be high As a complex psychological intervention has to be implemented Savings in other area's are likely As with all intensive treatments..
5 Effects
6 Direct costs STIP STIP Short-Term Inpatient Psychotherapy Cost price Per patient day: € 3 mouths = 91.3 day 91.3 x 210 = 19, €
7 The economic burden of personality disorders Possible savings Soeteman, et al. Submitted to Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Direct Medical costs before treatment Total € 7397
8 Productivity losses
9 Savings Savings might outweighed costs Gabber et al. Review 1997, AJP
10 QALY League table
11 Only cost effectiveness?
12 Burden of disease Soeteman et al, 2007 The burden of disease in personality disorders: diagnosis- specific quality of life. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Personality Disorder
13 Conclusion Formal cost effectiveness data is lacking Is on it way… Costs are high Savings are likely Effects are substantial The cost effectiveness is therefore likely to be reasonable A cost effective treatment for a disease with a considerable burden