The new Hungarian LLG Council 4-5th June 2008 Thessalonici CEDEFOP Tibor Bors Borbély ÁFSZ- FSZH advisor Office National de l’Emploi.


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Presentation transcript:

The new Hungarian LLG Council 4-5th June 2008 Thessalonici CEDEFOP Tibor Bors Borbély ÁFSZ- FSZH advisor Office National de l’Emploi et des Affaires Sociales PES- National Employment and Social Office (NESO)

Long history, short continuity After WWI /1948:  1024/1959 (VII.19.) Gov. ed.  1027/1961 (XII.30.) Gov. ed.  1029/1971 (VII. 3) Gov. ed National Career Orientation Council (Országos Pályaválasztási Tanács) -a national county based service for youth guidance (with 20 county offices and one part time school adviser in every primary schools) - also an orientation for vocational shortages - real career counselling service was available only for a few and well educated parents’ children (  Hi. Ed.)

After the political and economic changes Mid-80’s the system was abolished (integrated into the county pedagogical services) Between mainly PES (BIZ-model, Choiches ’96) undertook the main role National Core Curriculum was first introduced (1995) career orientation was one learning area /revised in 2003, 2007/ Since the PHARE, ESF financed projects there are overlapping

Recent trends EU accession (May 2004)   1st. National Development Plan, Human Resources Development Operational Programme (HRDOP)  2+1/2+1/2 developments: HRDOP 3.1. competence based cross- curriculum development for 6+6 ys. schooling career orientation competency is 1 out of the 6 areas (SuliNova-Educatio) (based on CA Blue Print/ Real Game) testing: 300 schools and 1700 teachers, app pupils HRDOP 1.2. „BIZ” type further developments (ÁFSZ- FSZH) / + ½ PHARE (2002) self-service platform was developed ½ National Programme for trade school curriculum development (NSZFI- szakMa!) class 9 (74 classes / year)

Backgrounds /1 (by M. of Edu.)

Choices ’96 and 2000 (by PES)

National developments

Near future /15 Brand new programmes: New Hungary Development Plan, Social Renewal Operational Programme, Measures:  222 Central Programme for LLG (PES-NESO)  311 Programme for the 21th century schools

The Hungarian LLG Council Founded in January 28th 2008 Supported and financed by the National Council on Vocational and Adult Education (NSZFT) (Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour) Hosted by PES- NESO (us) (NESO is the contact point of the ELGPN as well) Mandate for consultation only

Members of the council (11) Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Secretariat of Employment and Education (2 delegates: 1 Ad. Ed. and 1 VET) Ministry of Education and Culture Secretariat of Compulsory Education, and Secretariat of Higher Ed. (1-1 delegates) 1 person from National Education Office 2 mandates (chair and secretary) PES- NESO 2 civil / academic mandates (FETA, Kontakt = U. of Godollo) 1 mandate to National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education 1 mandate to Regional Labour Centres (also Euro Guidance Network)

Additional members (11+2=13) According to this year financing National Council on Vocational and Adult Education (NSZFT) decision at March 26 th 2008 two new members have been invited:  1 mandate to TUs  1 mandates to employers’ associations

Strategic objectives Set up and later on continuously monitor (as an advising body) a new LLG framework Collecting and analyzing information on LLG eg.  different kind of professional trainings  develop recommendations on service delivery levels, competencies, monitoring etc.  collect and process recent national and regional policy papers  Collect and process recent international researches and policy papers  Monitoring the new national programme on LLG ( )  Co-work with ELGPN and other networks IAVEG, ICCDPP, EuroGuidance etc.

Initiatives and obstacles March 27th - June 12th 2008 a new national policy paper have been developed for LLG policy in Hungary (according to the UNESCO, OECD, EU- CEDEFOP, Dublin Foundation papers between ) Two HRD ministries (ed. and empl.) seldom get synchrony Lack of political and social awareness on LLG issues (from the citizens, schools and employers side as well!)  Talking about the learning society but do not really understand the small and necessary steps towards that.

Thank you for your kind attention! For further details log on: