1 Kinesiology
Daily Objectives Content Objectives Build a foundational knowledge of the articular system. Understand the Three classifications of articulations. Learn the movements that are produced within the articulation system. Understand the planes of the body. Language Objectives Complete Reading Activities Take notes from power point. Copy important vocabulary. Pass Test 2
Pace Lap What is Kinesiology? (Pg. 256) 5 minutes 4
QUESTION???????? What allows your body to move in the directions that it does???????? 5
Reading Assignment Read page and answer the following questions. What is the articulation system? Please list at least one joint articulation in the human body. What term is used when we discuss the study of joints? What are the two main functions of articulating joints? What are the three types of joint articulations? Define all three types of joint articulations. Complete Brace Map that outlines the six diarthrosis joint classifications. 6
QUESTION?????? What would your life be like if you did not have any joint articulations? 7
Pace Lap What is an articulation? 5 minutes 8
Kinesiology The study of human movement. Articulation System Series of joints that allow human movement. Joint Articulation When two or more bones come together. What joins two bones together????? Ligament or Multiple ligaments. Arthrology The study of joints. 9
Functions of the Articulation System Allow motion. Provide Stability Classifications Synarthroses Immovable Amphiarthrosis Slightly Movable Diarthrosis Freely Movable 10 Synarthrosis Amphiarthrosis Diarthrosis
Synatharthroses Joints Joints that lack a synovial cavity and are held closely together by fibrous connective tissue Three Types 1. Sutures 2. Syndesmosis 3. Gomphosis 1. Tooth 11
Amphiarthrosis Joints Slightly movable joints connected by a fibrocartilage pad. 12 This fibrocartilage pad allows for slight movement between the two bones.
Diarthroses Joints (Synovial Joints) Freely movable joints. The ends of each of the bones are covered with an articular (hyaline) cartilage. Enclosed by a capsule. Outer Layer is the ligaments. Inner Layer is Synovial Membrane. Six Types of Diarthrosis Joints 13
Types of Diarthrosis Joints. 1. Pivot Joint 2. Gliding 3. Hinge 4. Condyloid or Ellipsoidal 5. Ball and Socket 6. Saddle 14
Pace Lap What are the six types of diarthrosis joint articulations? 5 minutes 15
Reading Assignment Using your book read pages 259 – 261 and make a foldable that describes each type of diarthrosis joint and provide at least one example of each. 16
Pivot Joint A freely movable joint in which a bone moves around a central axis, creating a rotational movement. 17
Gliding Joint A freely movable joint that allows bones to make a sliding movement. Examples Intercarpals Intertarsals Intervertebral 18
Hinge Joint A freely movable joint that only allows flexion and extension. Convex and Concave surfaces fit together. Examples Elbow Knee Phalanges 19
Condyloid or Ellipsoidal Joint Freely movable joints that allow bones to move about one another in many different directions, but do not allow rotation. Examples Metacarpals Metatarsals 20
Ball and Socket Joint A freely movable joint in which a rounded end of one bone fits into the indented end of the opposing bone. Allows for the greatest range of motion. Examples Shoulder Hip 21
Saddle Joint A freely movable joint between two bones with a complimentary shape. Allows for a wide range of motion and opposition. Example Thumb 22
Reading Assignment Read page 262 – 266 and copy all movements of a diarthrosis joint. MAKE SURE TO LOOK AT THE PICTURES AND DIAGRAMS. 23
Pace Lap Activity Where in the body is the only saddle joint found? 5 minutes 24
Movements of the Diarthrosis Joints Flexion Extension Hyperextension Adduction Abduction Rotation Circumduction Pronation Supination Plantar Flexion Dorsiflexion Inversion Eversion Protraction Retraction Elevation Depression Opposition 26
Simon Says Activity 27
Pace Lap When a limb moves away from the midline of the body it is known as ______________. When a limb moves toward the midline of the body it is known as _______________. 5 minutes 28
Reading Assignmnet Read pages 267 – 268 and answer the following scenario. 30
Common Disorders of the Joints Bursitis the inflammation of the synovial bursa that can be caused by excessive. Elbow and shoulder are common sites. Arthritis Inflammation of the entire joint. More than 100 varieties Effects 10% of the population. NO CURE!! 31
Assignment Copy Table 14-1 form page 269 into your notes. 32
Anatomical Planes of the Body Coronal (Frontal) A vertical plane that runs from side to side and divides the body into anterior and posterior. Sagittal (Lateral) A vertical plane that runs from front to back and divides the body into left and right. Axial (Transverse) A horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower portions. 33