Fatin, Aishah, Zafirah, Laila, Masyitah, Amalina, Aimi Group 2 Fatin, Aishah, Zafirah, Laila, Masyitah, Amalina, Aimi
Bones of the Skull
SKULL Facial Cranial 14 bones 8 Bones Mandible 1 Vomer 2 Inferior nasal conchae 2 Lacrimal bones 2 Maxillae 2 Nasal bones Palatine bones 2 Zygomatic bones 1 Ethmoid bone Frontal bone 1 Occipital bone Parietal bones Sphenoid bone Temporal bones
ADDITIONAL SKULL FEATURES Major sutures Paranasal sinuses Hyoid bone
Major Sutures
Functions TYPE OF BONE FUNCTIONS FACIAL Form the mechanical framework of the face Protect and support entry points of both the digestive and respiratory systems Provide attachment for some muscles of facial expression Protect and support organs for the senses of vivion, taste, smell, hearing and equilibrium/balance CRANIAL Protection of the brain Inner-surfaces :attach to membranes that stabilise the positions of the brain, blood vessels and nerves Outer surface : act as areas of attachment for muscles that move the head in various ways
Maxilla & Mandible
Maxilla Forms the majority of the skeleton of the face and the upper jaw Contains the maxillary sinus Articulates with the opposite maxilla and the frontal, sphenoid, nasal, vomer, and ethmoid bones; inferior nasal concha, palatine, lacrimal, and zygomatic bones; and septal and nasal cartilages
Mandible Forms the lower jaw Described as horseshoe shaped All muscles of mastication attach to the mandible Consists of body of mandible, ramus, coronoid process, condylar process, alveolar process
Lacrimal & Nasal Cavity
Lacrimal Bone Small and rectangular in shape Very thin and fragile Forms a small portion of medial wall of the orbit Articulates with frontal process of the maxilla, orbital plate of the ethmoid bone, frontal bone and inferior nasal concha The region that articulates with the frontal process of the maxilla forms the lacrimal fossa → the location of the lacrimal sac The inferior part of the lacrimal forms a small portion of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Nasal Bone
Foramens of the Base of the Skull
What is foramen? A foramen (pl. foramina) is an opening. Foramina allow muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, or other structures to connect one part of the body with another.
Superior view of the cranial base
Inferior view of the cranial base
Structures Passing through Foramen Located in or Formed by Structures Passing through Incisive foramen Maxilla (palatine process) Nasopalatine n., sphenopalatine a. Greater palatine foramen Palatine Greater palatine n. and vessels Lesser palatine foramina Lesser palatine n. and vessels
Foramen ovale Sphenoid Mandibular division of the trigeminal n., accessory meningeal a., lesser petrosal n., emissary v. Foramen spinosum Middle meningeal vessels and meningeal branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal n. Foramen rotundum Maxillary division of the Sphenoid foramen Emissary v. Foramen lacerum Articulation of the sphenoid (greater wing and body), temporal (petrous portion), and occipital (basilar portion) bones Nothing passes through it sphenoid Filled with fibrocartilage during body), temporal (petrous life (although the anterior wall of the foramen has an opening for the pterygoid canal and the posterior wall has an opening for the carotid canal)
Emissary v. (sometimes branches of the occipital a.) Mastoid foramen Temporal (mastoid portion) Emissary v. (sometimes branches of the occipital a.) Opening for auditory tube Temporal and sphenoid Cartilaginous portion of the auditory tube Tympanic canaliculus Temporal Tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal n. Jugular foramen Temporal (petrous portion) and occipital Glossopharyngeal n., vagus n., spinal accessory n., inferior petrosal sinus, sigmoid sinus, posterior meningeal a. Mastoid canaliculus Temporal (within the jugular fossa) Auricular branch of the vagus n.
Petrotympanic fissure Temporal Chorda tympani n., anterior tympanic a. Stylomastoid foramen Facial n., stylomastoid a. Tympanomastoid fissure Auricular branch of the vagus n. Hypoglossal canal Occipital Hypoglossal n. Condylar canal Emissary v., meningeal branches of ascending pharyngeal a. Foramen magnum Medulla oblongata, vertebral arteries, spinal roots of the spinal accessory n.
Foramen cecum Between the frontal and ethmoid bones Emissary v. from nasal cavity to the superior sagittal sinus Anterior ethmoid foramen Anterior ethmoid n. and vessels Posterior ethmoid foramen Posterior ethmoid n. and vessels Carotid canal Temporal (petrous portion) Internal carotid a., internal carotid n. plexus (sympathetics) Hiatus for the lesser petrosal n. Lesser petrosal n. Hiatus for the greater petrosal n. Greater petrosal n. Internal acoustic meatus Facial n., vestibulocochlear n., labyrinthine a. Opening of the vestibular aqueduct Endolymphatic duct
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