Creating Ministry Ownership of the Software Development Process Jeffrey Wood Information Systems Director Compassion International ICCM June 1997
Goals for this session u Background u Practical Ideas u Comments, Q&A
Background u Long projects that didn’t meet the organization’s needs when completed u Projects done from a technology perspective u Preference for in-house developed applications and system programs u Long project request lists that needed to be prioritized and then re-prioritized u Use of non-mainstream technology
Background - 2 u Lack of confidence in IS u Turning Point: Compassion’s executives could live without any new software if we could solve two major problems: –Speed of software development –Flexibility of computer systems u Primary issue presumed to be leadership
Background - 3 u IS Assessment –Staff –Technology u Buy vs. Build vs. Convert Study u Software Selection Task Force –Ministry lead task force –Result: Task force recommends the need to build! u Additional Funding Received
Practical Ideas u Principles for improved ownership u Planning for the ministry’s long-term needs u Participation with the ministry u Purge techno-babble u Promote the project
Principles u Customer Focus - New Mission Serving Christ with leadership and expertise in information technology, providing creative business solutions that enable the staff of Compassion to meet the needs of children around the world and to serve people that care about those children. “Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry” u Ministry vs. Technology Focus u Information Technology is not a department!
Principles - 2 u Start small and learn lessons in new technology with low risk projects u Build with the long term picture in mind u Leverage your knowledge of your ministry with technology that changes everyday u Build it with the ministry not for the ministry u Value Stream Focus (Business Process)
Principles - 3 u Make sure you don’t repeat past mistakes –Old methods with new tools –Design for the platform you are using –Design with flexibility at the core u Predict the future of the ministry –Changing organizational model u Use release based approach u Develop a comprehensive plan
Planning u We believe in Business Plans, Marketing Plans and Financial Plans. How can we say we don’t need an Information Plan? u “Master Plan” –Towns don’t require a plan but if you want it to grow efficiently you better have a plan »Teddington, UK »Boston »Colorado Springs
Developing an Information Plan u Admit the need for one –“Master Plan” concept u Seek help –Hire consultants for skills you don’t need all the time u Determine roles –Like building a house –Owner, architect, builder
Developing an Information Plan - 2 u Educate people for their roles –Ministry staff need to understand the whole plan u Force people to play their role –Don’t assume anyone else’s responsibilities u Be willing to quit if the ownership doesn’t materialize –How is it going to work if the owner walks?
Data Model Constituent Commitment Need
Developing an Information Plan - 3 u Allow the ministry to own the plan u Don’t resolve all the details u Note unresolved issues that don’t matter at a “master plan” level and move on –We don’t need the street names for our “master plan”! u Have Information Systems “abstain” from voting on ministry issues so the ministry can really own the plan.
Participation u Ministry Executives –Need to understand the impact of technology on ministry effectiveness –Must empower and equip ministry staff to employ relevant technology u Managers/Supervisors –Need to understand balance between short-term and long-term needs u Users –Need to participate in the development process
Participant Roles BuilderOwner Architect Information Systems Division Compassion International (US & foreign operations) and Partner Countries All of Compassion with Information Systems Division as Facilitator
Participation Roles Execs ProjectBoard ProjectLeaderBusinessResourcesTechnicalResources DevelopmentTeam
Requirements for Each Role u Execs –Determine overall funding of IS –Determine priorities of large projects –Select the “killer” value streams in the organization that require custom solutions –Grant authority to Project Board u Project Board –Determine project requirements given the funding provided –Hold project leader accountable –Designate the business resources for the project –Give final approval
Requirements for Each Role - 2 u Project Leader –Coordinate various resources committed to the project for successful completion –Communicate with the Project Board and IS management –Keep big picture in mind u Development Team –Produce the code for the project based on requirements –Use IS developed standards in the development process
Requirements for Each Role - 3 u Business Resources –Provide business knowledge of the detail level business requirements –Participate in the GUI development –Aid in testing the software during development u Technical Resources –Provide specific technical knowledge in specific areas such as: »Network performance »Object Architecture »Data Administration »Database Administration
Project Boards u Members –Owner - Non-IS person with a vested interest (and some clout!) –Other interested parties »Customers of the business process »Managers of the business process u Project Notebook - Communication tool –Consistent format »Overall and release sections »Goals/Schedule/Risks/Issues/Requests
Project Board Issues u Balance the three factors in software development –Quality –Speed –Cost u Two other factors –Change (Introduction of new technology,...) –Flexibility of software as a requirement
Purge Techno-babble u Understanding comes before ownership u People learn differently (Think of your marketing people!) u Pictures help people see what you mean (not just think they hear what you mean) u Pictures encourage us to think through what we are trying to communicate
Logical View of Compassion Children/ Needs Donors/ Sponsors Shared Concern, Commitment & Impact Feedback/Communication
Physical View of Compassion Donors/ Sponsors Children/ Needs Feedback/Communication Partner Country Compassion International Field Office Project Compass Shared Concern, Commitment & Impact
Compass Components Compass (Production Oriented) Operational Data Store (Report & Extraction Oriented) Decision Support/EIS (Analysis Oriented) Data Warehouse
Compass Components Internet Dial-up Dedicated Line PartnerCountry CIProgramAgency FieldOffice
Promote the Project u Talk about it anytime you get a chance u Give it a name u Get your project board and users talking about the application to other people in the ministry u A little marketing never hurt anyone
New Compassion System Compassion’s On-line Ministry, Program & Administration Support System
What has worked for you?