Welcome to rendevous08
Ministry Updates MinistryName 1Don PatersonCSB Ministries 2Dave BrownWACMM 3Bill MoyerNational Fellowship of Catholic Men 4John BishopLiving By Design 5Rick LindsayEncourage Men To Pray 6Rod HandleyCharacter That Counts 7Men With a PurposeChris Van Brocklin 8FamilyLifeJeff Abramovitz 9Larry D'ApiceIron Sharpens Iron 10John P. MentusR.I.Men of Hope 11Men At The CrossArt Remington Jr 12Bill C. TerryIPHC Men's Ministries 13Mike YoungNoble Warriors
Ministry Updates MinistryName 1Relevant Practical Ministry for MenTom Cheshire 2Cornerstone Men's Ministries -- IPHCKen Church 3Men's Ministry CatalystJames Steiner / Jim Grassi 4Discover Life resourcesRick Kiekintveld 5A Chosen GenerationDr. Chuck Stecker 6Focal Point MinistriesRoy Abbott 7BoldPath Life StrategiesLeary Gates 8Man in the MirrorAl Lenio
Small Groups Nametags numbered 1 through 7 Three sessions together Tonight: Introduce yourself; Share something you would like God to do in the next 2 days; Pray for one another
Small Groups What’s next for NCMM and the Christian Men’s Movement? –Challenges? –Opportunities?
Working Groups: How can NCMM help raise up more men in the field to help churches in their regions / denominations?How can NCMM help raise up more men in the field to help churches in their regions / denominations? How can NCMM serve denominational men’s ministries (full-time, part-time, and volunteer) more effectively?How can NCMM serve denominational men’s ministries (full-time, part-time, and volunteer) more effectively? What are the most important services NCMM can provide its members to help them be as effective as possible.What are the most important services NCMM can provide its members to help them be as effective as possible.
NCMM 2009…Mission Steps Taken So Far… Board of Directors elected – Phil Downer, Leary Gates, Brian Doyle, David Delk Communication channels expanded – , teleconference, video, survey Evaluating models for future ministry structure – President and Exec. Dir.
NCMM 2009…Mission Equipping NCMM’s members to help every church build a vibrant disciplemaking ministry with men.
NCMM 2009 … Assumptions Members are the customer – not the church or menMembers are the customer – not the church or men This should be enough – look at the opportunity we have to leverage and make more effective the tremendous ministries who are part of NCMM.This should be enough – look at the opportunity we have to leverage and make more effective the tremendous ministries who are part of NCMM. “Enlightened self-interest” is OK - If NCMM doesn’t help you fulfill your calling, NCMM will never work.“Enlightened self-interest” is OK - If NCMM doesn’t help you fulfill your calling, NCMM will never work.
NCMM 2009…Strategic Direction Connections between members and churchesConnections between members and churches Incubation of new ministriesIncubation of new ministries Easier access to resourcesEasier access to resources Visibility for members and the cause of discipling menVisibility for members and the cause of discipling men
NCMM 2009… New Leadership Team is formed to work with Board of DirectorsNew Leadership Team is formed to work with Board of Directors Monthly newslettersMonthly newsletters Bi-monthly conference calls (at least)Bi-monthly conference calls (at least) Incubate new ministriesIncubate new ministries Revised dues structureRevised dues structure
Revised dues… Different dues for different sizes of ministriesDifferent dues for different sizes of ministries –Individual, church or part-time ministry - $75 –Small / Medium ministry - $150 –Large ministry - $300 –Very large ministry - $500 Self-select level of ministrySelf-select level of ministry
NCMM 2009… New Leadership Team is formed to work with Board of DirectorsNew Leadership Team is formed to work with Board of Directors Monthly newslettersMonthly newsletters Bi-monthly conference callsBi-monthly conference calls Incubate new ministriesIncubate new ministries Revised dues structureRevised dues structure Implement plan for recruiting President and/or Executive DirectorImplement plan for recruiting President and/or Executive Director Leader’s Conference (1 or 2?) / Design Team Mtg?Leader’s Conference (1 or 2?) / Design Team Mtg? No Training SuperConference currently plannedNo Training SuperConference currently planned