Grants as a tool for resourcing Mission (Part 2) Helen Woodall Chair, Connexional Grants Committee
Ministry and Mission in Britain Sub-committee CHeritage Property Chaplaincy Mission & Ministry (General + MAPP) Each Stream has 3-5 members + support from grants staff
How do we operate? Authority from Conference under various Standing Orders (213B; 362; 1004) Working with home Districts, overseas partners, Connexional Team Deliver policy and priorities set by Conference and Methodist Council
Categories of CGC support in Britain Ministry & Mission including Mission Alongside the Poor Property Chaplaincy Heritage
Criteria for all Mission in Britain Grants The project must (all): Be firmly in line with the “Priorities” of the Methodist Church Be best funded and monitored through CGC processes. Be work for which there is a clearly identified mission need. Have clearly identified mission outcomes. Be well-planned, budgeted and have a very high chance of achieving these outcomes. Be time-limited or have a plan for attracting alternative sources of funding within 5 years or if a building project show how the rest of funding needs are to be met
What is “Connexionally Significant” Mission and Ministry? Work that is best – or uniquely – supported at Connexional level because its potential impact is larger than local Maybe be innovative, breaking new ground, risky
Criteria for Mission and Ministry grants The project must: Either be a Heritage project and fulfil the Heritage grants criteria Or: involve or have the potential to involve several Districts. Or: take place in one location but have the potential to have a larger than local impact because (at least one of these): – The project’s outcomes will benefit the wider Connexion through the furthering of God’s mission in innovative and far reaching ways. – The work is mission focussed and targets an aspect of society outside church culture where the applicant’s specific geographic or demographic situation offers the potential to achieve a very high impact to both individual and community. – Is an ecumenical partnership which has the potential to achieve a very high impact for the wider Connexion. – The project is focussed on innovation where the level of risk is high but the possible level of benefit is commensurately high. – It is considered strategically important by the Methodist Church, and is impossible or overwhelmingly difficult to do elsewhere, and places an unreasonable financial burden on the District/ Circuit in which it is located
Maximum grant £200,000 Only funding new builds or major refurbishments Only funding sustainable, accessible projects creating flexible, multi-use spaces for seven day use by growing congregations Criteria for Connexional Property Grants
Criteria for Connexional Chaplaincy Grants Education, language fellowships and some workplace contexts. Applicant Districts must agree to contribute at least one-third of the costs of the Chaplaincy being applied for. Applications to continue existing work must include a formal evaluation of the previous allocation of resources and reasons for any changes.
Connexional Heritage Grants Improving Methodist Heritage assets – Property and/or Mission &Ministry by meeting clear mission needs Aim to use Methodist heritage to inspire members of the local community, outside the Church, to think about the meaning and practice of Christian faith or engage with Methodism. Aim to use Methodist heritage to inspire people from different parts of the UK or from other countries to explore the meaning and practice of Christian faith or engage with Methodism. Aim to use Methodist heritage to challenge and deepen the faith of Methodists from different parts of the UK or from other countries in a way which enables them to engage more fully in mission
Criteria for Mission alongside the Poor Grants S1004 ‘grants for personnel or property schemes, in local Churches or Circuits, to assist them in mission alongside the poor There must be evidence of relative poverty whether in an urban or a rural setting commitment to work alongside the poor and disadvantaged
Typical annual budgets Mission in Britain £1.9m (2014-5) (Mission & Ministry, Chaplaincy, Heritage) (drawn from MiB Fund, Epworth Fund, Connexional Priorities Fund) Property ~£1.5m World Church up to ~£5m
Deadline for Applications New Forms for September 2015 All Property applications online through Consents Website Deadlines 5 th October 2015 and 3 rd March 2016 New section for completion by District Grants Officers
Monitor and Evaluate MELD – Monitor, evaluate, learning, dissemination - convenor - Graham Pegg CGC responsible account for spending ALL CPF monies District Policies
The Grants Team Valerie Lovett Liz Lau Verena Thim All based at Methodist Church House