In overall analysis the issue is how to lower resistance and increase support for the change programme or plan. -Key lesson is to identify or diagnose the type or nature of change programme. -Implementation method is contingent upon type of change (Dunphy & Stace 1990). Lesson 1 = size & scale of change is contingent upon unilateral or shared techniques of change (matching the two). -Smaller changes consultation and consensus methods lower resistance and raise support for the change.
-Large scale change-like structural, job-redesign, policy & procedures etc.Top down unilateral method is more effective than participative techniques. -Rationale is for structural changes – participation is too distant for individual interests and support is unlikely to be generated or considered unnecessary for change to be implemented. Lesson 2 = technical structural or behavioural social is contingent upon unilateral or shared technique of change -implementation of technical or structural change requires more directive and less participative methods. -Work force dislike changes such as downsizing, reorganization etc.
Implementation theses 1.Logical Incrementalism of Quinn 2.Radical or Transformative change 3.Punctuated equilibrium of Tushman & Romanelli 4.Organization Development models Implementation Strategy. Incrementalism The concept is rooted in Lindblom (1959) concept of muddling– who down plays the concept of rational & comprehensive change ( deemphasized planning school) Most organizations are heavily build upon their past actions in determining their future direct Therefore change is an extension of organization’s history
- A frequently cited concept (1980s) Quinn believes in planned change and orderly transition. He is against radical change in strategic organizational directions, systems or central processes. He believes that effective manager is the one who moves the organization forward in small, logical steps. Incremental change increases confidence amongst employees, and reduces organizational dependence on outsiders to provide momentum for strategic change.
Therefore he values -Evolutionary rather than revolutionary change; - Order rather than disorder; ATTRIBUTES OF EVOLUTIONARY AND ORDERLY CHANGE : Consensus and collaboration style of Leadership and Management instead of conflict and power Use of expert authority and persuasiveness of data rather than positional authority or emotionality of charismatic leadership. Incrementalism was suitable for the environment of 1970/ 1980s (stability and continuity). For Mintzberg (1990s) strategy emerges over time through a continuing process of organizational actions and learning as it seeks to cope with and adapt to its environment. His paradigm is planned strategy === emergent strategy For Planning school incremental change is the method by which change can be implemented best by top management while for learning school it is the method organ learns from its interaction with environment.
Ansoff (1988) in his book The new corporate strategy “ Firms and other organizations which are not subjected to strategic shocks do nevertheless, go through discontinuous strategic changes. This occur through step by step accumulation of incremental changes which over a long period of time, add up to transformation of culture, power structure and competence”. So effective planned Change Management means minimizing political and cultural resistance to incremental change.