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Presentation transcript:

Business and Management Research Lecture 3 Professional Development and Research Lecturer R. Milyankova Chapter 1

Introduction to Business and Management Research (Chapter 1) Objectives of this session: Formulating and understanding of research Developing an appreciation of research problems Developing a recognition of what constitutes a ‘good’ dissertation/ project

Introduction to Business and Management Research Research Method – tools and techniques used to obtain and analyze data Research methodology – the theory of how research should be undertaken

The nature of research Research is something that people undertake in order to find out things in a systematic way Why people undertake research? …in order to find things out in a systematic way, thereby increasing their knowledge (Jankowicz, 1995) Systematic = based on logical relations and not just beliefs To find out things = possible purposes are describing, explaining, understanding, criticizing and analyzing What is research? …to research is to seek answers that involve understanding and explanation (Williams & May, 1996)

The nature of research Main characteristics of research: Data is collected systematically Data is interpreted systematically There is a clear purpose: to find things out

The Nature of Business and Management Research Need to go beyond common sense often wrong incomplete Research is different from common sense done to achieve specific goals/ relies on specific methods/ and is done systematically Purpose of doing research to describe/ explain/ understand/ criticize/ analyze

Main features of business and management research The way in which managers and researchers draw on knowledge developed by other disciplines or the transdisciplinary nature of this research Managers are powerful and busy people and do not allow research unless they see personal and commercial advantages Research must have practical consequences on the findings or research should complete the virtuous circle of theory and practice

Main features of business and management research The double hurdle of theory and practice: Mode 1 knowledge creation: questions are set and solved by academic interests Mode 2 knowledge creation : research is governed by the world of practice

Research is: Pure (fundamental, basic) Applied Action discovery invention reflection Applied solution of problems evaluation Action should lead to change

Business and Management Research Basic Applied Purpose expand knowledge of process of B&M results in universal principles relating to the process and its relationship to outcomes findings of significance and value to society in general Purpose improve understanding of particular B&M problem results in solution to problem new knowledge limited to problem findings of practical relevance and value to manager/s in organization/s

Business and Management Research Basic Applied Context undertaken by people based in universities/ researh institutes choice of topic and objectives determined by researcher flexible timescales Context undertaken by people based in a variety of settings including organizations objectives negotiated with originator tight timescales

The research process Formulating and clarifying a topic Reviewing literature Choosing a strategy Collecting data Analyzing data Writing up

The research process Forward planning Reflection and revision

Why do a dissertation? To extend knowledge To develop research skills To demonstrate ability to apply knowledge and skills and analyze problems For personal learning develop in-depth knowledge help with career

What should a dissertation include? Abstract Introductory chapter Literature review Methodology Results chapter/s Conclusions / recommendations References / bibliography Appendices

How should the dissertation be written? Clarity and simplicity write simple sentences avoid jargon beware of using large numbers of quotations from literature Spelling and Grammar Person, tense and gender Correct reference

Formulating the research topic (Chapter 2) To be something you are capable of undertaking To excite your imagination To feel comfortable you have or can develop the skills required to research the topic To have a genuine interest towards the topic To have financial and time resources to undertake research To receive an answer with significant importance

Checklist of attributes of a good research topic Does the topic fit the specifications and meet the standards set by the examining institution Is the topic something with which you are really fascinated Does your research topic contain issues that have clear link to theory Do you have or can you develop within the project time frame, the necessary research skills to undertake the topic Is the research topic achievable within the available time

Checklist of attributes of a good research topic Is the research topic achievable within the financial resources that are likely to be available? Are you reasonably certain of being able to gain access to data you are likely to require for this topic Are you able to state your research questions and objectives clearly? Will your proposed research be able to provide fresh insights into the topic?

Assignment: Choose your research topic for the next classes and be ready to discuss it