Change Management Facilitation Model Joseph Blockson Brandon Bolling Ryan Fox Meghan Hurley Matthew Jemilo Daniel Musilek
Facilitating Effective Change Assessment - is change necessary? Create a Vision - where is the change leading? Planning - how will you get there? Implementation - act on the plan. Evaluation - was the change successful?
Assessment-Present State Awareness of need for and the impact it brings Assess the situation to determine design requirements. Assess if the organization has the capacity to change Focus-->critical human capital and social infrastructure. Awareness represents: understanding nature of change & risk of no change Why change is happening Internal & external drivers that created the need for change.
Assessment (Continued) Assess infrastructure: such as leadership roles governance structure conditions for success support mechanisms Assess the culture-norms: collective ways of being climate social infrastructure, The needed energy source is agility: Which is the ability to respond quickly and effectively to a challenge.
Assessment (Continued) Create a sense of urgency Figure out problem & look for opportunity. SWOT-Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Scan environment: internal and external Organization needs to be: Open to changing Have the mindset/behavior to make change
Goals & Objectives S.M.A.R.T. Goals Set direction for organization specific measureable achievable realistic time sensitive Set direction for organization Create high level description of change vision
Desired State Visually communicate desired outcome. this creates buy in from team Makes goals & objectives more reachable. it has become a real image of where completed goals gets you
Create Coalition Needs… credibility & appropriate skills energy & support Empower the coalition with org power to lead change. The success of the change depends on them.
Create Engagement It is critical to actively engage with coalition. Success effort is dependent on ongoing participation with team. Lack of engagement makes fighting counter resistance to change from outsiders and others harder.
Timing and Cooperation Plan Timing and Cooperation Timing is everything. Everything has to be at the right moment in time Employees have to be fully cooperative in order to change When they are then it is the right timing to change the organization in order to be better. Right moment in time when Internal and external environments meet.
Strategy and Prep For Change Plan Strategy and Prep For Change After your plan has the right timing and cooperation, it is time to strategize How you are going to implement the change in the organization? In strategizing make sure your organization is prep for change meaning: Resources Culture Employees Attitude
Communication and Clarity Plan Communication and Clarity In order for change to happen for an organization it has to be communicated When communication is clear throughout the organization, people understand what is going on and what types of change the organization is trying to achieve You have to plan to communicate change with communicating your overall vision, mission, and theme. ALL THE TIME
Implementation Motivate Empower Coalition - Make people feel something - Hit their emotions Empower Coalition - Create shared values - Share stories to make a connection
Implementation Accountability - Make people believe they are needed - Communicate the importance of their work - Structure work to make end result a part of other people's work
Implementation Short-term Wins Rewards - Keep realistic - set times and dates to complete work - Keep specific goals - Know when ST wins are accomplished and consciously check them off your list Rewards - Let people know their work was appreciated - Give incentives to keep morale and confidence - Be personal and intentional when presenting a reward
Evaluation The evaluation stage requires reflection and assessment of: The change that has occurred Its effect on the organization The people involved in the change The people outside the organization affected by the change
Retention Another element of the evaluation stage is taking steps to retain the change and make it stick. This involves: Organizational commitment to the change Putting updated incentives and rewards in place Regular checkups to make sure no individual or group is reverting to old ways
Questions to Consider when Evaluating Did the organization benefit from the change? Will the current culture, incentives, and team members’ level of commitment make the change stick? Does this change need to be altered or fine tuned? Are my team members comfortable with the change? Do we have the proper resources to maintain the change? How can we continue to improve? Never stagnate! Complacency destroys greatness!
Conclusion Effective change takes: Time Focus Flexibility