Fair Change Sarah Page Research & Specialist Services
changing world of work
Table: Altered psychological contract Old contractNew contract “Job for life”Change PredictabilityUncertainty Standard work patternsFlexible working time Valuing loyaltyValuing performance & skills PaternalismSelf-reliance Linear career growthMultiple careers One-time learningLife-long learning
recession cuts job reapplication redundancy long hours
work, health & success work can be good or bad for health technology can be good or bad for health human & economic cost of ill health impact on business (regardless of cause) can good practice become the norm?
your rights? work without risks to health & safety - so far as reasonably practicable risks assessed with your involvement risk controls identified consulted
your rights in practice exercise
Union Effect “workplaces where workers are involved in decisions about safer health and safety are safer and healthier healthier workplaces”
Reduction in harm 50%
Building influence through organising High Paternalism Collusion Influence Engagement Irrelevance Reactivity Low High Union organisation
mental health hazards Demands: volume, pace, intensity Control: workflow, method Support: manager, colleagues, Unions Relationships: bullying, harassment Role: lack of clarity, isolation Change: poor management/engagement Justice: inconsistencies, unclear appeal process
individual interventions healthy lifestyle increase personal resilience sensible work / life balance all rely as much on the organisation as the individual
organisation interventions job design: ergonomics, flexible working culture: values, fairness, what’s acceptable change management: plan, impact assess, trial justice: governance, compliance, TUs
mitigating stress 1. Primary Prevention management competencies, risk assessment & flexible employment 2. Secondary Intervention distress recognition, stress audits & confidential advice services 3. Tertiary Rehabilitation mental health training, OH assessment & RTW
change may be unavoidable 70% of change projects fail Managers have a right to manage Employees have a right to good management Note about So whilst change may be unavoidable… …… its planning and implementation are not
poorly managed change is not!
Thank you Promoting Fair Change