Asian Canal Irrigation
Asian Canal Irrigation Contingencies: Then and Now ThenNow Nature of state Hard state and strong authority structures Soft state and weak authority structures Land revenue the only source of state income Land revenue insignificant for the state Nature of society Forced labor was commonForced labor is uncommon Low demographic pressure on farm land made extensive farming viable High demographic pressure encourages intensive land use Most Asian irrigation systems irrigated rice Irrigation systems support diversified cropping patterns InstitutionsNo private land ownership with farmers Farmers have secure ownership rights on land TechnologyWell irrigation was laborious and costly Well irrigation is easy and relatively cheap
Meta Questions for Canal Irrigation SRP What is the relevant concept of ‘irrigation system performance’ under different ‘contingency clusters’? How best to benchmark the performance of irrigation systems in different ‘contingency clusters’? How to use performance benchmarking to identify and design levers for change; best practices and ‘next practices’? How to use performance benchmarking to evolve and implement change-management strategies for canal systems? Coordination and accountability between farmers and agencies. (e.g. ISF, WUA) Operation and maintenance expenses.
African Irrigation
SSA Irrigation Assessing irrigation potential based on biophysical and socioeconomic factors Improving livelihoods through expansion of smallholder irrigation Evaluating consequences of foreign direct investments in irrigated landscapes?
Groundwater Irrigation
Knowledge Gaps: Groundwater Irrigation Potential role of groundwater storage in CC scenarios Groundwater Energy Nexus Groundwater quality and impact on livelihood (arsenic, fluoride) Performance of groundwater agencies Expanding small holder groundwater irrigation
Irrigation Salinity
Salinity Can be Managed (Middle Iraq) Salinity in 1950Salinity in 2011
Solutions are known, but which one(s) is for my backyard? Issues – Scale (basin, scheme, farm, Field) – Recycling, mixing, pollution – Trans-boundary issues – Climate change & Salinity Control
Peri-Urban Agriculture 1.How do we assess potential of PU towards food security, poverty alleviation and improved livelihoods? 2.How do land and water resources constrain achieving PU its potential? 3.How do PU farmers cope with urban development pressures? 4.PU and improved nutrition 5.IFPRI, IWMI, Bioversity, FAO, WorldFish, RUAF, AVRDC