Compassion Resilience and Self Help programme Training for those working in the community frontline services with people who have experienced mental health problems, with an emphasis on building resilience for both staff and people using services Peer Support (North): Friday 5th & Thursday 11th June at Indigo Kids, Hucknall CRaSH: Tuesday 23rd & Tuesday 30th June at The Wolds, West Bridgford Peer Support (South): Monday 6th & Monday 20th July at The Wolds, West Bridgford There are no costs for the programme, tea, coffee and supporting materials will be provided but participants will have to fund travel to the venue and bring their own lunch. All training will start at 9.30am and finish at 4.30pm. Both days are to be attended. For more info and to register please contact Newark MIND / Proven Tools for Mutual Aid
CRaSH Course Outline Proven ways to "Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First" Evidence-based approaches to recognising and dealing with distress Establishing a connection, building trust and listening for a change Getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable Brief Interventions for difficult choices Helping people get unstuck Enhancing Social Capital and Ways to Wellbeing Facilitating post-traumatic growth and scaling up confidence Renewable energy for moving on with hope
"Excellent! (General Practitioner) Inspirational. Very useful and I will apply the tools in my everyday work Very well delivered, excellent presentation and the facilitators were approachable A well delivered, friendly course. Could grasp the information well J Course leader was very knowledgeable and his delivery style was safe and fun and engaging Fantastic delivery, lots of learning styles Excellent delivery of a not particularly simple topic. V. informative and lots to read back through (GP) The course content and delivery was very informative and interactive. I learn well via interaction so I enjoyed participating. Excellent course – would like to learn more and send colleagues. Best training I’ve done for a long time. Excellent content well delivered. Thank you to the course leader for his great sense of humour and wit, made it fun. Really liked how practical it was – can use the tools taught immediately within my work. Use of humour makes a big difference. Mat infused some intense stuff with a lot of humour. Mat words things well. Really enjoyed it thanks, for the time of reflection and personal insight Knowledgeable course leader, delivered with humour, kept ‘deep’ topics lighter, great thanks Felt v. comfortable and knew immediately I would not be embarrassed (Carer) Very interesting and enjoyed the interaction in the group Very relevant to the health & recovery / co-production agenda Thank you for the slides and the excellent training last week. Having spoken to colleagues we are interested to know if you are running any more sessions for those who did not attend originally It was both useful, interesting as well as valuable 2 days Thank you again for the training Mat. It was really valuable and I have been able to use some of the techniques already as well as share them with my colleagues. You were very inspiring, thank you The sessions gave me the opportunity to rethink the way I approach people" Feedback so far
Peer Support Course Outline Principles of peer support Gauging personal readiness Sharing stories Wellbeing networks and asset mapping ACTing with Compassion Insights from behavioural economics and beyond Common mistakes in peer support Escalation (N.B. Attendees must have previously completed both days of the CRaSH training)