Let’s get ready for Tomorrow’s Exam James Burns June 10, 2002
The Adjacency Matrix ||
Also known as the Square Ternary Matrix Be able to convert it to a causal loop diagram Be able to convert the CLD to a SDF Be able to write the rate equations associated with the SFD Assumes rates are multiplicative functions of their antecedents
The Pension Fund Problem What sectors did you find? What stocks? What rates?
THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE What are the five disciplines? Name four archetypes Which discipline is concerned with getting individuals to make a commitment to lifelong learning? Which discipline is concerned with the picture people carry in their heads?
Systems thinking is a radical departure from the old, ____ way of thinking Which archetype is most akin to the adage “the easy way out usually leads back in?” Healthy companies that fail quickly, do so because of _____ _____.
Which one of the following is not a typical ST mistake? “People believe they are their jobs” “The enemy is in here” “trying to be proactive” “fixation on events” “inability to learn from experience”
Seven Laws in ST Today’s problems come from _____ _____. The harder you push, the harder the system _____ _____. Behavior grows better before it grows _____. The easy way out usually leads ____ __.
Seven Laws, continued The cure can be worse than the ____. Cause and effect are not closely related __ ____ ___ ____. You can have your cake and eat it too-- ___ ___ _____ ____.
Which of the seven laws is due to compensating feedback? Which of the seven laws is the “carpet bump” an example?
More ST The first step in breaking out of the reactive mind-set is to see _____ __ _________. “I am filling the glass with water” describes ___ ____ __ ___ ______.
Feedback Name two types Which type produces exponential growth? Which type produces exponential goal seeking? What is the discernment rule for distinguishing one type from another?
What about delays? Cause ____ and ____ when ____ moves are applied
Seeing the World Anew As wholes Seeing ourselves as part of the whole, part of the system Coping with Complexity mandates systems thinking Today, we are creating complexity at a frenetic pace
When is dynamic complexity present? When there are dramatically different effects in the short vs. The long run When an action has one set of consequences locally and a very different set of consequences in another part of the system When obvious interventions produce non- obvious consequences
The first Archetype Senge often says structures of which we are unaware hold us ____. All growth eventually ____. Which archetype illustrates this?? Most managers react to the slowing growth by pushing harder on the _____ loop Instead, concentrate on the balancing loop-- changing the _____ factor
Structure state of stock growing action slowing action Balancing Reinforcing
The second Archetype An underlying problem generates symptoms that demand attention. But the underlying problem is difficult for people to address… Draw the structure
The Stereotype Structure Symptiom-Correcting Process Problem-Correcting Process Addictioin Loop