Utilising the library Source of research materials, text books, fiction, foreign language courses on tape & CD, jigsaws, Internet access, family tree research and often a pleasant setting for a picnic lunch. If you teach your child research skills, they can learn anything they wish.
Home education can alleviate many of the bullying problems experienced by gifted children in school. Many gifted children are intensely sensitive and have intense emotions. They experience life on a heightened level and this can cause distress and difficulties in a regular classroom but can be more easily accommodated at home. Introversion v Extraversion Lesley Sword - Characteristics of Emotional Intensity and Sensitivity Lesley Sword - Parenting Emotionally Intense Gifted Children Social and Emotional Issues
Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities Psychomotor Sensual Imaginational Intellectual Emotional See
Perfectionism Many gifted people are perfectionists. Sometimes gifted children will refuse to do something unless they are sure the result will be perfect. The result they are aiming for is adult excellence and they put a great deal of stress on themselves by trying to produce it. In a school setting the stress comes also from competition with other students and from the expectations of teachers. Much of the stress can be alleviated when learning in the home setting. Children can be encouraged to aim for excellence but not be paralysed by perfectionism.
Health Issues and Allergies Health issues, special diets, sensitivities and allergies can be easier to deal with at home than they would be in a regular school setting
In terms of socialisation, they will have their siblings and parents for company - who are often ready-made like-minds. As home learners, they learn to deal with and befriend people of many ages. Indeed they have more access to adults generally and they enjoy the interaction this brings. The children may choose to be alone often. There is nothing wrong with time spent alone -we just live in a society which does not value it. Home education groups gather for excursions, sports and social occasions. Socialisation DETAILS OF GROUPS CAN BE FOUND IN OTHERWAYS
Objections and Answers Socialisation Mother not qualified teacher Will the student gain meaningful qualifications? Will discipline be a problem? Will see friends at church, youth groups, sports, clubs, etc. Can use whole curricula, Internet courses, tutors, mentors, TAFE and Community House courses etc. Can use DECV if eligible, TAFE courses, online courses and alternative entry for tertiary courses Can use appropriate strategies. Many behavioural problems disappear when the stress of school is removed.
Finding Support Victorian Home School Gifted group join at Crosswalk Apricots
Home Education Network (H.E.N.)
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But are parents ‘qualified’ to educate gifted children? By the time a gifted child is five years old, his parents have five years experience in how gifted children learn – far more than the average teacher. Yes! You can do it!