What makes a good application? Gary Frost Imperial College London
What is it about? NIHR remit 1. NIHR supports training in clinical and applied health research, including social care research. 2. The proposal must have clear potential for benefitting patients and the public within 5 years of its completion (but recognising the training element of the research). 3. The research can involve: patients; samples or data from patients; people who are not patients; populations; health technology assessment; or health services research. 4. NIHR does not support basic research or work involving animals or their tissue. 5. If the work involves biomarkers: research that tests whether application of new knowledge can improve treatment or patient outcomes, and has obvious potential benefit within 5 years, is within remit [1]; [1] This might include application of known biomarkers, or other prognostic factors, to refine and test novel therapeutic strategies. research that aims only to elucidate mechanisms underpinning disease, or identify risk factors for disease or prognosis (including search for biomarkers) is out of remit. 6. NIHR is also prepared to support research into medical education.
What happens Submitted application screened for remint First cut: Panel assessment (12 per panel member) Second cut: Referee assessment Third cut: Interview
Panel NameAffiliation Professor Jenny Hewison (CDF-SRF Chair) Professor of the Psychology of Healthcare, University of Leeds Professor Jayne Parry (CDF-SRF Deputy Chair) Professor of Policy and Public Health University of Birmingham Professor Robert Read (PDF – Chair) Professor of Infectious Disease University of Sheffield Professor Hugh Barr Consultant General and Gastrointestinal Surgeon Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Professor John Bond Professor of Social Gerontology and Health Services Research Newcastle University Professor Bill Deakin Professor of Psychiatry and Director Neuroscience and Psychiatry Unit, University of Manchester Professor Tim Croudace Professor of Psychometric Epidemiology University of York Professor Colin Dayan Professor of Clinical Diabetes and Metabolism Cardiff University Professor Christi Deaton Professor of Nursing University of Manchester Professor Julia Fox-Rushby Health Economist Brunel University Professor Gary Frost Chair in Nutrition and Dietetics Imperial College London Dr Paramjit Gill Reader in Primary Care Research and GP University of Birmingham Professor Trisha Greenhalgh Professor of Primary Health Care and Director, Healthcare Innovation and Policy Unit, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Professor Ian Harvey Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health and Dean of the Faculty of Health, University of East of Anglia Professor Rury Holman Professor of Diabetic Medicine University of Bristol Professor Jane Hutton Department of Statistics, University of Warwick Professor Eileen Kaner Professor of Public Health Research Newcastle University Dr Linda McGowan Senior Lecturer in Women’s Health Dr Ann McDonnell Reader in Health and Social Care Research, Sheffield Hallam University Professor Charles McCollum Institute of Cardiovascular Services University of Manchester Post-Doctoral Panel Members (PDF,CDF,SRF) Professor Ian Pavord Consultant Physician and Honorary Professor of Medicine University Hospital of Leicester Professor Gavin Perkins University of Warwick Professor David Richards Professor of Mental Health Services Research University of Exeter Professor Peter Selby St James University of Hospital Dr Calum Semple Senior Lecturer & Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician University of Liverpool Professor Bianca de Stavola Professor of Biostatistics London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Professor Ala Szczepura Professor of Health Services Research University of Warwick Professor Chris Thiemermann Professor in Pharmacology Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry Professor Sir Simon Wessely Professor of Psychological Medicine and Vice Dean Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London
Candidate Need to demonstrate excellence Doctoral Degree Demonstrates interest in research Post Doc Demonstrated outcome from the PhD Demonstrate publication history Demonstrate funding
Place High quality for the area of research Need to demonstrate excellence (REA/REF) You need to be in the right place Post Doc and up need to justify where you will be for the fellowship.
Training and Development Taken very seriously – Strengthen weakness – Learn new skills – Research leadership
Supervisors and Mentors Experience is very impotent – Main mentor should be a recognised expert – PhD supervisors need to have experience of supervising to completion – For PDF staying in the same place need to broaden there experience – Need to have some expert for all major parts of the project
Interview Time limited: 10 minutes Needs to be slick and get over the importance and novelty of the work Practice in front of people Get critical input Question from the panel – 10minutes on research – 10minutes on career
Summary Write for the expert generalist, needs to be very clear Translation is important Ensure in remint Do not make unsupported statement The candidate needs to be surrounded by experts Supervisors and mentors need a track record