Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 LEFIS - APTICE: Legal Framework for the Information Society II The LEFIS Network: technical infrastructure and the Observatory on e-Government Pilar Lasala APTICE Universidad de Zaragoza
LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 TECHNICAL INTRAESTRUCTURE FOR THE LEFIS NETWORK First version To give public information of the network activities To allow to share information among the participants in the network (intranet) Access to the intranet introducing an user's name and a password A certification authority was developed (ca.lefis.org); and a public key infrastructure that allowed to directly access to the intranet by means of a certificate
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 TECHNICAL INTRAESTRUCTURE FOR THE LEFIS NETWORK Second version A new server, to replace the old one, has been bought An ADSL line to connect the server will be used An uninterrupted power system (UPS) to assure the constant server operation The free and open source tool MOODLE ( has been selected to develop the new LEFIS website MoodlePKI Project: PKI Integration in the Moodle environment
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 TECHNICAL INTRAESTRUCTURE FOR THE LEFIS NETWORK Second version It is expected that this development will be finished by June of 2006 Two scholars have been dedicated to carry out this implementation The software to be used to develop the new LEFIS Website is the LAMP platform: Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP; also Tomcat, Moodle, Java and OpenCA
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 TECHNICAL INTRAESTRUCTURE FOR THE LEFIS NETWORK Second version The website will have: A public part, to offer on line information on the project with: Calendar, news, search engine, contents organized by categories, modules... A private work and contents environment, to allow the LEFIS members to be able to make its tasks, to access to information and results of the project Resources: links, access to documents, files, folders... Activities: communication processes, work, work group organization...
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 TECHNICAL INTRAESTRUCTURE FOR THE LEFIS NETWORK Moodle-PKI Project Authentication based on digital certificates Operations of electronic signature Safe communications and networking Interoperable PKI system
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 TECHNICAL INTRAESTRUCTURE FOR THE LEFIS NETWORK phpsurveyor ( Some web interfaces have been developed using this open source tool: LEFIS questionnaire for employers LEFIS questionnaire for graduates LEFIS questionnaire for firms and teachers of continuing education LEFIS questionnaire for teachers of undergraduate studies LEFIS questionnaire for teachers of postgraduate studies
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 THE INTERNATIONAL E-GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY (EGOBS) ALFA Network of Electronic Government, supported by the European Union (ALFA Program) : Network members: Universities of Zaragoza (Spain), Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK), Münster (Germany), Burgos (Spain), Valladolid (Spain), Havana (Cuba), Diego Portales (Chile), of the Republic of Uruguay of Montevideo (Uruguay) and of La Plata (Argentina) Network duration: from 2002 up to 2006 Responsible researcher: Fernando Galindo 15 scholars are dedicated to the EGOBS project, with stays in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, studying the operation of different websites of electronic government
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 THE INTERNATIONAL E-GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY (EGOBS) A web tool has been developed so that they can introduce the answers to an evaluation questionnaire: Questionnaire Phase 0: Search of data in the national institutes of statistics of the countries corresponding to the evaluated web Questionnaire Phase I: Search of data in documental databases, search engines, listings,... Questionnaire Phase II: Analysis of the target Website Questionnaire Phase III: Interview with the Website responsible
Universidad de Zaragoza LEFIS General Assembly Firenze February 2006 THE INTERNATIONAL E-GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY (EGOBS) The activities of the Observatory, in development and experimentation at this time, can be considered a first step in order that the Observatory will be one of the products of LEFIS, informing of the activities related to electronic Government happening in the different countries where the members of LEFIS reside