IEEE Women in Engineering IEEE Canada Student Leadership Training Workshop September 21 st, 2002 University of Ottawa By Anna Zyzniewski
Overview IEEE Women in Engineering IEEE and gender background Why to form a WIE student group? How to form a WIE student group? Conclusions
IEEE Women In Engineering Established in 1994 WIE members MUST be IEEE members WIE Membership Opened 2001 By March 2002, 5000 members WIE Student Affinity group formation officially recognized in 2002 WIE Membership $25 USD – Free for Students!
IEEE Women In Engineering Recognizes women’s achievements in electrical and electronics and related fields through IEEE Awards Promotes IEEE Member Grade advancement Provides assistance with formation of new Affinity Groups Supports the STAR Program to mentor young women in high schools about engineering and science
Gender in IEEE IEEE = 375,708 Members Women = 29,488
IEEE WIE Membership by Gender
Women in IEEE: regional perspective IEEE average 7.85% Female percentage to region total
WIE Groups Spain Switzerland South-Plains Mid Hudson Coastal Los Angeles National Capital Area Kerala Eastern North Carolina Santa Clara Colombia (Bogotá) Student Group Central Texas No. of WIE Affinity Groups
WIE Student Affinity Group: Sample Activities Opportunity to network Invite guest speakers Organize workshops and seminars
WIE Student Affinity Group: Benefits WIE Affinity Group Funding – US$200 Post regional news in the WIE Newsletter and WIE website Free web site hosting Free WIE membership promotional items WIE members directory
WIE Student Affinity Group: How to form one? Very simple! 6 IEEE student members to form the affinity group Interim Chair of the group Branch’s Chair and Counselor approval Find WIE Faculty Advisor
Conclusions Your WIE Student Affinity group could be the first one in Canada! WIE affinity group activities could be organized with other student organizations at your university WIE affinity group can be easily integrated into other Women in Engineering programs or clubs at your university