Teaching Earth Science
Earth Science Resources FOSS Web FOSS Web FOSS Web FOSS Web FOSS Earth Materials FOSS Earth Materials FOSS Earth Materials FOSS Earth Materials FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island FOSS and STC Modules in Rhode Island STC Weather (Grade 1) STC Weather (Grade 1) FOSS Pebbles, Sand and Silt (Grade 2) FOSS Pebbles, Sand and Silt (Grade 2) FOSS Water (Grade 3) FOSS Water (Grade 3) FOSS Earth Materials (Grade 4) FOSS Earth Materials (Grade 4) FOSS Earth Materials (Grade 4) FOSS Earth Materials (Grade 4)
Earth Science Community Resources Community ResourcesCommunity Resources Rhode Island Space Grant Rhode Island Space Grant Rhode Island Space Grant Rhode Island Space Grant USGS - Rhode Island USGS - Rhode Island USGS - Rhode Island USGS - Rhode Island Rhode Island Geography Education Alliance Rhode Island Geography Education Alliance Rhode Island Geography Education Alliance Rhode Island Geography Education Alliance Earthwatch Institute Earthwatch Institute Earthwatch Institute Earthwatch Institute
RI GSEs in Science Grades 3-4 Students demonstrate understanding of earth materials by 1a describing, comparing, and sorting rocks, soils, and minerals by similar or different physical properties (e.g., size, shape, color, texture, smell, weight, temperature, hardness, composition). 1b recording and analyzing observations/data about physical properties (e.g., within a grouping, some characteristics are the same and other are different. 1c citing evidence (e.g., prior knowledge, data) to support why rocks, soils, or minerals are classified/not classified together.
RI GSEs in Science Assessment Targets ESS1 (K-4) INQ 1 Given certain earth materials (soils, rocks or minerals) use physical properties to sort, classify, and describe them.
RI GSEs in Science Grades 3-4 PS1 (3-4)–1 Students demonstrate an understanding of characteristic properties of matter by … 1a identifying, comparing, and sorting objects by similar or different physical properties (e.g., size, shape, color, texture, smell, weight, temperature, flexibility). 1b recording and analyzing observations/data about physical properties (e.g., within a grouping, some characteristics are the same and others are different. 1c citing evidence (e.g., prior knowledge, data) to support conclusions about why objects are grouped/not grouped together.
RI GSEs in Science Assessment Targets PS1 (K-4) INQ1 Collect and organize data about physical properties in order to classify objects or draw conclusions about objects and their characteristic properties (e.g., temperature, color, size, shape, weight, texture, flexibility)
Engaging Scenario Set Induction
Native People’s Use of Plants, Animals, and Rocks In RI Contact Period Contact Period early 1600’s early 1600’s Interaction of Europeans and Narragansett, Wampanoag, and Nipmuck Interaction of Europeans and Narragansett, Wampanoag, and Nipmuck Dramatic changes in land and species. Dramatic changes in land and species.
If you were a Wampanoag living during the Contact Period... How would you use natural resources to satisfy basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, and tools?
My Focus Question
Class Focus Question What minerals are found in Rhode Island? What minerals are found in Rhode Island? How are these minerals used? How are these minerals used?
Prediction Draw a mineral you think is found in Rhode Island, name it, and describe its properties. Draw a mineral you think is found in Rhode Island, name it, and describe its properties. I think the mineral can be used this way... I think the mineral can be used this way...
Planning-Procedure Assign Roles Assign Roles Getter: Gather Materials. Six Minerals, Hardness Test Materials, Porcelain Tile, Handouts Six Minerals, Hardness Test Materials, Porcelain Tile, Handouts Clean-up Person Observe Color and Texture. Observe Color and Texture. Conduct Streak Test. Conduct Streak Test. Conduct Hardness Test. Conduct Hardness Test. Identify minerals Using “Background Information” sheet in handout. Identify minerals Using “Background Information” sheet in handout. Return materials and clean up. Return materials and clean up.
Preparing for Observation What can you Observe? What can you Observe? What can you Measure? What can you Measure? What can you Compare? What can you Compare? Make a Data Organizer for easy comparison!
Data - Organizer Sample Number Color and Texture Observe by Seeing and Touching
Data - Organizer Sample Number Streak Test Observe by Measuring
Data - Organizer Sample Number Hardness Test Observe by Measuring
Observing and Comparing Same-Different T Chart Same-Different T Chart Venn Diagram Venn Diagram
Claims and Evidence - I know this to be true. - Here is the evidence:
Conclusion - I learned I used to think (prediction) Now I think…. Now I think….
Next Steps - New Questions - I want to know... - I want to try this...