The French and Indian War was over and the English were victorious. The war had been very costly. A permanent army was needed in the colonies. Parliament passed the Sugar Act.
This was the first tax to raise $$$$ in the colonies. The Sugar Act was a tax on molasses and sugar imported by the colonists. Smuggling was prevented by the British navy. Those arrested for smuggling were not given a fair trial.
The colonies had no voice in the British Parliament. The colonies were not asked about taxation. James Otis and Samuel Adams became spokesmen for the Bostonians against Parliament. Adams helped found the Committees of Correspondence.
A boycott is a refusal to buy a certain product. The colonists used a boycott to convince Parliament to repeal (end) the tax on sugar. The boycott was unsuccessful.
The Stamp Act was a new way to tax the colonists. Everyone had to pay for a special stamp on all paper products- newspapers, licenses, etc. Refusal to pay the tax would result in fines or arrest. The Sons of Liberty was formed.
Sam Adams was a founder. Violence was a tool of this protest group. The Sons of Liberty gave the colonists a voice and another way to protest the actions of Parliament.
Parliament was upset that the colonists challenged its authority. Parliament issued the Declaratory Act. This act stated that Parliament had power to make any laws that it felt necessary in any situation.
Parliament had finally repealed the Stamp Act in In 1767, it passed the Townshend Acts. This act placed a tax on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Tax collectors used “writs of assistance” to search for smuggled goods. A new form of protest included “tarring and feathering”.
The Sons of Liberty continued with their protests in Boston. British soldiers arrived in March 5, 1770, a soldier standing guard had an argument with a colonist. Snowballs were thrown at the soldier. A crowd grew, soldiers came to his rescue, and a shot was fired into the mob. Five colonists were killed. The story was spread over all the colonies.
Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts. The tax on tea remained. Tea smuggling increased. The Tea Act of 1773 was passed. Only the British East India Co. could sell tea, which angered local merchants. ec. 16, 1773 340 crates of BEI tea were dumped into Boston Harbor by colonists on Dec. 16, 1773
The Intolerable Acts, 1774, were called the Coercive Acts by Parliament and the Intolerable Acts by the Colonists. They were passed to punish Boston.
Boston harbor was closed until the tea was paid for. The legislature could not meet without permission from the governor. British officials charged with crimes were tried in England. The Quartering Act was passed. The Quebec Act was passed.