Planning Your Program Bridging the Culture Divide: Inclusive Extension Programming for Latinos October 14-15, 2008
I forgot? Where are we going again?
State / District Planning Teams Each group will begin program plan Plans will be photographed to share with others SERA-37 training task force example Record name of state or district at top of Program Plan worksheet
Priorities / Goals Advance capacity of land-grant university system to help communities timely & high quality educational programs technical assistance Positive and strategic manner Diverse needs of growing Hispanic population SERA-37 training task force
What are your priorities? (5 minutes)
Desired Outcomes Short-termMedium-termLong-term Increase understanding of Hispanic culture States will develop & implement own training programs Greater diversification among Extension audiences Plan of action for outreach or training Plans for collaborative programming with Latinos among Extension personnel Increased cultural awareness & acceptance among long-term residents & new immigrants Understanding of university policies regarding serving undocumented immigrants Community leaders work with Hispanics to develop collaborative solutions to local programs SERA-37 training task force
What are your desired outcomes? (10 minutes)
“I think you should be more explicit here in Step Two.”
Outputs (activities) Basic training Cross cultural training (face-to-face/regional mtgs) Train the trainer Web-based Supporting resources Subject-matter workshops Train the trainer Web based Videos Supporting resources Outputs (participants) Extension educators SERA-37 training task force
Inputs Admin support Regional cooperation Money Resource materials Stuff from other task forces Curriculum Trainers SERA-37 training task force
How are you going to achieve your outcomes (outputs) and what resources do it (inputs)? (15 minutes) Include additional training / resources that SERA-37 might provide!
Begin listing additional action steps for developing & implementing your program
Picture Time – Show Us Your Plan!