Hidden by Red Saunders: An Impressions Gallery touring exhibition, 9 March – 29 September 2013 Leveller Women in the English Revolution, 1647
Overview The Leveller women were a major influence in the English Civil War. Although the physical efforts were mainly carried out by the men, the women’s contribution to the revolution through their leafleting and campaigning should not be overlooked. It was these efforts that gave the revolution a lasting legacy.
The English Revolution Protestant King Charles I’s marriage to Catholic French Princess Henrietta Maria King Charles I wanting to combine England and Scotland King Charles I dissolving Parliaments and giving them no power.
Today’s Opponents THE ROUNDHEADS (The Parliament and their supporters) THE CAVALIERS (The Royalists and their supporters) IN THE RED CORNER.. IN THE BLUE CORNER..
The course of the war.. Charles made an agreement with Scotland promising Church Reform in exchange for their invasion of England and reinstating Charles on the throne. This resulted in the execution of prominent Parliamentary figures. For the first part of the war, the Roundheads (Parliament) were doing very well with the support of Scotland. Despite Charles receiving support from Ireland, the King was handed over to the Scots in 1643.
The end of the war The date was set for the trial of Charles I. Fifty-nine commissioners found Charles guilty of treason as a “tyrant, traitor, murderer and public enemy”. He was beheaded on 30 January 1649.
Who were the Leveller Women? The Levellers were a political movement during this series of events which aimed to extend suffrage, create equality before the law, religious tolerance and popular sovereignty. These aims were expressed in a manifesto named “The Agreement of the People.” The Agreement of the People The peoples' representatives (i.e. Members of Parliament) should be elected in proportion to the population of their constituencies The existing Parliament should be dissolved on 30 September 1648 Future Parliaments should be elected biennially and sit every other year from April to September The biennial Parliament (consisting of a single elected House) should be the supreme authority in the land, with powers to make or repeal laws, appoint officials and conduct domestic and foreign policy
How were the Levellers recognised? Sea green ribbon pinned on clothing Stem of rosemary in hats This was the first time women got involved in political action. Their support was gained through a system of leafleting, petitions and a newspaper called The Moderate.
Legacy In 1548 they demonstrated in London calling for equal rights and within one year gaining ten thousand signatures on a second women’s petition to parliament. Unfortunately after Pride’s Purge, they were largely suppressed and by 1650 were no longer a serious threat to the established order.
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