Kronos Overview Go-Live Date June 17, 2012
Why are we implementing Kronos? Current Process: Sign in / out on paper Fill out AU-15 turn into supervisor and/or time keeper Enter time into On Time Request leave in RFL Reconcile On Time to RFL to AU-15 Have to know payroll rules
Why are we implementing Kronos? Sign in / out electronically Requests for leave in Kronos Populate time sheet with sign in / out Time off requested in the same system and populated on time sheet once approved Payroll rules will be configured in the system Initially by Kronos ODOT will take over after go live
What will Kronos Replace? In this phase Kronos will replace: AU-15 Sign in / out sheets OnTime RFL This phase is not to replace EMS/TMS. Will come at a later date.
Sign In / Out Options
Sign In / Out Options Computer For those who are in office environments or have PCs assigned or are shared Can be on a scheduled or not Will have an audit trail of sign in / out
Sign In / Out Options
Sign In / Out Options InTouch Device For permanent non-office ODOT locations Touch screen / resembles a tablet Use proximity badge to sign in / out Not hooked to the doors Employees will have a schedule in the system Will not sign in or out for lunch or breaks Can request time off, check accrual balance, and approve time card through InTouch
Sign In / Out Options
Sign In / Out Options Mobile Device App to go on a smart phone For employees, can sign in / out, request leave and approve time card For managers, can review employees time cards Still working with Kronos on the details Working on the details of who will have the license and the ODOT policy
Sign In / Out Options
Sign In / Out Options TTE For employees when they do not report to a permanent ODOT location or location not open year round Allows employees to sign in / out using a touch tone phone Only for signing in and out Still working with Kronos on hardware and network details
Schedules If an employee has a schedule, rounding rules will apply Each swipe is rounded individually to the nearest 1/10 of an hour Rules around signing in prior to shift start More details to come on rounding
Are schedules needed? For exceptions such as signing in early, missing a swipe or swiping in off schedule, they are necessary. Not everyone has to have a schedule to use Kronos but for InTouch users a schedule is needed.
Time Off Request Employees can request time off in advance for approval Will be routed to their manager for approval Once approved will go on the time card For requests in the past (sick leave) working on details
Approving Time Cards Working on time card approval process and who will approve when
Reports To Official OAKs reports to Effort reports to Will be for most employees Working with HR on ensuring they are correct Effort reports to For those employees who are reporting to another manager but their home division and cost center remains in tact Determining who will maintain this
Employees Into Kronos Employee information to come from OAKS Working with OAKS and Kronos to determine fields Want to have little to ideally no manual intervention
Payroll Rules Pay rules will be built into the Kronos application and assigned to pay policy groups Using identifiers in OAKs, employees will be placed into pay policy groups
Training Kronos will be creating the training manuals and content for train the trainer Training department is working on the training plan Tentative plan: Train CO Payroll and District Fiscal Officers in train the trainer They will then managers and employees The Office of Training will be sending out schedules
Pilots May 6 Central Office Finance, Central Office Information Technology Will be trained May 1st – 4th May 20 District 5, Central Office Human Resources, Central Office Engineering Will be trained May 14th – 17th June 3 District 6 Will be trained May 29th – 31st
Pilot During the Pilot, those participating will continue to do time entry as they do today. Once go live, will only enter into Kronos.
Contact Wendy Flowers Crystal Beacom Project Manager 614-387-0459 Crystal Beacom 614-728-6761