Shelly Rider AMSTI-USA Director
To understand the effects of the Common Core State Standards on mathematical classroom instruction To recognize the importance of embracing the key role of a Math Leadership Team To understand the power of a Vertical- Math Professional Learning Team
“What would it be like to work in a culture that encourages teachers to work together regularly on cutting-edge instruction and personal growth?” “What would happen if teachers worked collectively to increase their capability and update and change teaching practices?”
Tool 1.7 What Does the Research Say?
1. Design a skit based on the information on the card. 2. Prepare to share your skits.
PLT Language Match Game! Tool 2.2
Laying the groundwork for PLTs Planning and implementing productive PLTs Guiding successful team meetings To give you tools, tips, and information:
What kind of team will our PLT be? Who will be on our PLT? When will our team meet? Where will our team meet? What resources will our team need to begin? Who will be team facilitator & recorder? What methods of communicating our work will we use?
Are you looking in the mirror or out the window? Pausing Paraphrasing Probing for specificity Putting ideas on the table Paying attention to self and others Presuming positive intentions Promoting a Spirit of Inquiry Seven Norms of Collaboration DuFour, Richard, et. al. Learning by Doing. Bloomington: Solution Tree, (p. 104)
Facilitator Tool Development of Group Norms Seven Norms of Collaborative Work Which of these norms might be most important for your full participation in the group? 1 minute self-reflection 2 minutes group processing Popcorn report out
Facilitator Tool Development of Group Norms Seven Norms of Collaborative Work Considering these seven norms, which might you find most challenging? What strategies might you use to focus in on the ones you might find most challenging?
What can we do differently in our classrooms to increase our knowledge and skills in facilitating purposeful practice of the Common Core Math Practice Standards in order to increase student mathematical discourse? What? About? Why?
I am learning lots of great research-based strategies in my learning team! I am always excited to come back to the classroom and try them. We have great discussions about how the strategies can be used at a variety of grade levels. I also have a better understanding of school-wide needs and what students are expected to do at all grade levels. Overall, I feel like our PLT meetings help me grow professionally, and I can truly say I am learning from my fellow teachers.
Shelly Rider AMSTI-USA Director