UnclassifiedSAPR-F Master Mobile Training Team Execution Plan 29 November 12 Reinforcing and Reinvigorating Honor, Courage, and Commitment
Unclassified Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Fleet (SAPR-F) Delivery Build a culture of professionalism, respect and trust 2 Audience All Active and Reserve E-6 and below Key Messages Sexual assault (SA) is a crime Recognize magnitude of the problem Understand corrosive effects of SA Zero tolerance for SA Create an environment that is a powerful deterrent to SA Disrupt the “Continuum of Harm” Recognize essential role of bystander intervention in preventing SA Recognize alcohol is frequently a contributing factor Execution Master Mobile Training Teams deliver SAPR-F Preparation Training to Command Training Teams consisting of (1) LT/LCDR & (1) CPO/SCPO Command Training Teams deliver SAPR-F to command E-6 and below
Unclassified Training Plan Outline 3 SAPR-L delivery model with CPPD-trained Master Mobile Training Teams (MMTTs): MMTTs provide face-to-face (F2F) SAPR-F Preparation Training to command teams Command teams deliver F2F to command E6 and below Hub & Spoke: MMTT hubs in fleet concentration areas, reach across geographic region Command teams comprised of 1 LT/LCDR & 1 CPO/SCPO Command training must be conducted with either a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Unit Victim Advocate, Chaplain, or Health Care Personnel in attendance Timeline: 180 days to completion SAPR-F training (31 Mar 13)
Unclassified MMTT Training Schedule 25 MMTT training days from 10 Dec to 31 Jan 22 MMTTs based in 15 fleet concentration hubs Pre-holiday training primarily conducted in hubs (home base) MMTTs travel to spokes after the holidays and return to hubs Specific hub / spoke dates will flex to regional requirements Detailed travel schedule available for each MMTT 4
Unclassified SAPR-F MMTT Training Areas CONUS – 11 Regions 5 Lemoore PACFLT #5
Unclassified SAPR-F MMTT Training Areas OCONUS – 4 Regions Yokosuka PACFLT #3 Bahrain USFF #5 Naples USFF #4 Pearl Harbor PACFLT #4 6
Unclassified Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Engagement Strategy 7 Three level engagement tailored in content and delivery method Leadership Provide the urgency Build a culture of respect, accountability, professionalism, awareness, and trust Focus on Command Climate Fleet Reinforcement Pressurize the operational environment Reinforcement of concepts of respect and dignity through formal and informal learning events; policy and programs Provides drumbeat for awareness and accountability Initial Skills Training Initiate with Core Values expectations Introduce Bystander Intervention techniques and provide forum for discussion about mental models, assumptions, consent and cultural beliefs Calibrate attitude and provides skills to Act Leadership Fleet Reinforcement Initial Skills Training Holistic End-to-End messaging targeted at specific audiences
Unclassified SAPR Training Continuum APR – JUN 10 JUL – SEP 10 OCT– DEC 10 JAN– MAR 11 APR– JUN 11 JUL – SEP 11 OCT– DEC 11 JAN– MAR 12 APR– JUN 12 JUL– SEP 12 OCT– DEC 12 JAN– MAR 13 APR– JUN 13 Plan/Design/ Development Planning / Design / Implementation in Fleet Analysis Development SAPR-Leadership (one-time) SAPR-Fleet (one-time) Exec & Leadership SAPR-LEADERSHIP Reinforcement SAPR-FLEET Initial Skills Training BYSTANDER INTERVENTION SAPR-Sustainment (ongoing) Fleet delivered Bystander Intervention Pilot Study Bystander Intervention Train-the-trainer “A” schools Bystander Intervention Implemented “A” schools Bystander Intervention Sustained …. SAPR content tailored integration into existing courses (i.e., Leadership, Equal Opportunity, Instructor Training, etc) Sustained… 8