COMPLETED IMPROVEMENTS No Cost Extension (NCE) form Simplified by removing effort question and PI/Co-PI financial conflict of interest certification More coming… Administrative Action Request Form (AARF) Streamlined by removing C&G items formerly on right side of form More coming… Fringe Benefits Adjustments Streamlined by allowing accounting JV to adjust fringe benefits on a restricted account; allowed for any amount
ONGOING IMPROVEMENTS Invoicing: Improvements to invoicing process within C&G, invoicing of prime institutions, better communication with departments, etc. Residual Balance: Improvements to residual balance process through better communication between OSP, C&G and departments, revision of form; more to come… PAR/Effort: Improvements to PAR certification process; review by PAR superusers; more to come… Responsible Party Notification: Improvements to communication to responsible parties regarding award information/changes, cost share, etc.
ONGOING IMPROVEMENTS Reporting: Improvements to ASR, queries, language and formatting to better distinguish reports from invoices, access to information, OnBase, etc. Plan for Uniform Guidance impact. Sub-recipients: Improvements to identification of subawards at proposal stage, setting up subawards, encumbrances, payments, etc. Plan for Uniform Guidance impact. International Business Activity: Review to determine what improvements are necessary.
OTHER AREAS Proposals Cost share; checklists; proposal entry Award set-up Cost share Award set-up: modular Award management Internal sub-accts; travel; cost share Prior approvals (internal/external) Budget revisions; CASB exceptions; opening obj codes to post charges Award close-out LOC mgmt Award close-out cleanup items posting after budget end w/o dept or C&G initiating; deleting/cleaning up closed accts; corrections after close-out; record retention Budget amendment entry Cost transfers OVPR compliance approvals UBAS compliance approvals P-card default acct Hybrid compliance approvals System enhancements Electronic filing/sorting Audit facilitation Formal process of notification IDC return to departments Financial & award dept level QMF
CONTACT INFO Review Team Crystal Rogers Allison Davis Lynn Beard Brad Langford MaryAnn Deom Melissa Mottley Michael McGough SPREAD THE WORD!