DayAssigned Reading (Chapters or Pages) Homework Book Club Planner First, look at your book, and find the number of chapters and pages. As a group decide how many chapters or pages you need to read each day to complete the book. You only have 12 days to complete the entire book. Each day, if you do not complete the reading and the daily assignment, record it under Homework. It must be completed before the next school day.
Club Member Day #1 Day #2 Day #3 Day #4 Day #5 Day #6 Day #7 Day #8 Day #9 Day #10 Day #11 Day #12 Book Club Grade Sheet Touchdown 5 points Interception 3 points Penalty 1 point *Stayed on task *Brought Good Ideas *Finished Job Completely *Shared Appropriately *Usually Stayed on Task * Shared ONE Idea *Job was almost Complete *Usually shared appropriately *Not on task *Didn’t share *Didn’t participate *Job was unfinished *Disrupted Club A 2 and 4 can be given if the club member is in between.
Question Maker Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to create a list of questions that your group might want to discuss during your group discussion. Questions should be over today’s reading. Don’t worry about the small details, your task it to help people TALK over the big ideas in the reading. The best questions come from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read. #TypeQuestion #1________________________________________________________________ #2________________________________________________________________ #3________________________________________________________________ #4________________________________________________________________
Predictor Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to create two predictions. A good reader uses clues from their reading to predict what they think will happen next in the text. When you come to the end of your assigned reading think about all the evidence and clues you just read. Now create two thoughtful and DEE{{P predictions. Don’t forget to add your CLUES of PROOF to your prediction. This proof could be an entire page, a sentence or a few words. Be specific about what led you to your prediction. PredictionsMy Proof/Clues this led to my Prediction #1 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ #2 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
Connector Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to be aware of connections you are making to your text as you read. All good readers make connections. Sometimes it is a memory from the past, a memory from a TV show or movie, or a memory from another book you have read. It is your job to record the connections you make during your reading. You will need to find two connections during your assigned reading. Be specific about your connections. Write the sentence, words, or page where you connected. Were your connections to you, another book, or to the world (TV, Movies, Video Games etc.). From the BookMy ConnectionType of Connection?
Illustrator Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to be aware of the mental images or pictures that you are creating in your brain as you read. After you have read your assigned pages take a moment to think about the text. Illustrate a mental image from the reading. This image could be a scene you think really describes the pages you read, it could be your favorite part of the reading, or it could be what you believe was the most important event in the reading. After you have illustrated don’t forget to write in words why you chose this particular image to draw. My Mental Image I drew this image because :_____ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Note Taker Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to monitor your understanding of what you read through Note Taking. All good readers have information that they want to remember about what they have read. As you read today write down 4 important events, facts, or happenings from your reading. These notes should help you to remember to order of events, the big ideas of your reading, and should help you understand what happened. Note #1Note #3 Here is what I read.Here is what I want to remember. Here is what I read.Here is what I want to remember. Note #2Note #4 Here is what I read.Here is what I want to remember. Here is what I read.Here is what I want to remember.
Gist-er Getting the Gist Who: (who was your assigned reading mostly about) What : (what about your who?) Most Important Thing: (what is one thing you can’t leave out) GIST: (write your gist in a complete sentence) Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to create a gist or main idea for today’s assigned reading. Remember that a Gist is the BIG IDEA from your reading. Gists do not contain specific details. Gist are brief 15 or fewer words and only one sentence. Your group will be expecting you to think about your reading and decide what was the most important thing..
Summarizer Create a Summary Pages I read: _____________________________ B Something from the Beginning of your reading M Something from the Middle of your reading E Something from the End of your reading Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. The other members of your group will be counting on you to give a quick (1 minute) statement that conveys the gist, key points, main details, and the essence of today’s reading assignment. You need one sentence from the beginning of your reading, one from the middle of your reading and one from the end to have a complete summary.
Inference Maker Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to share your THINKING with your book club. As you read be very aware of the inferences you are making. Remember that inferences come from a specific sentence, phrase or paragraph from the book, combined with what you already know. From those two things you then create an inference. Use the chart below to show your thinking. Observation/EvidenceMy QuestionMy Inference
Retell-er Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to share a retell of the pages you just read. You will use the Flow Map to organize your details into the beginning of your reading, the middle of your reading, and the end of your reading. Make sure that you tell all the IMPORTANT DETAILS and put them in SEQUENCE. When you share your Flow Map it should make sense to the other members of your book club. Beginning Middle End
Say What??? Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to pay attention to the words that you don’t understand during your reading. As you come across unfamiliar words jot down a list. Choose one word that confused you or caused you trouble as you read. Use that word and the clues around that word to complete the Frayer Model below. Be sure to fill in each compartment of the model.. Unfamiliar Word
Got Words??? Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to pay attention to the words that you find interesting or fun in your reading. As you come across unfamiliar or interesting words jot down a list on the back of this page. Choose one word that the most interesting. Try and make it a word your book club may not know. Use that word, the clues around the word, and the dictionary to complete the Frayer Model below. Be sure to fill in each compartment of the model.. Interesting Word:
Climbing the Plot Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job is to pay attention to the plot of your fictional text. You will need have the major events that show the problem, leading to the turning point or the largest action of the text, which then rushes to the conclusion and solution. Use the mountain to help you climb through your book. Remember to discuss only the Major events and leave the minor events for a retell of the story. Problem Solution Turning Point/Climax Who? Where/When Ending
Illustrator Pages I read: _____________________________ Good readers create mental pictures or mental movies as they read. These pictures can be snapshots or an actual moving movie! The pictures can also be in black and white or full color. Your job is to pay attention to the mental images in your head as you read your assigned pages today. After you have finished your reading take a moment to pull all the pictures together and then illustrate a picture that gives your understanding of the text. Be ready to discuss how your illustration connects to the reading.
Fact & Opinion Finder Pages I read: _____________________________ It is very important to understand the difference between Facts and Opinions. Facts are pieces of text that can be proven and you know are true. Opinions are a persons thoughts and feelings. Facts usually DON’T change but opinions can change easily. Your job today is to read your assigned pages and look for facts WRITTEN in your text and opinions WRITTEN in your text. List three examples of Facts and three examples of opinions. Fact #1Fact #2Fact #3Opinion #1Opinion #2Opinion #3
Cause & Effect Finder Pages I read: _____________________________ Cause and Effect happens constantly throughout our reading. One action or event leads to something happening, and there you have it...Cause and Effect! It is your job to pay attention to the action, events and what they lead to. You will be responsible for two examples of cause and effect from your reading. Make sure you are ready to discuss your thoughts in group later. Cause/Event/ActionEffect/What HappenedCause/Event/ActionEffect/What Happened
Compare & Contrast Maker Pages I read: _____________________________ Your job today is to compare and contrast. You must find two characters,, settings, events, or actions from the reading and then find all the similarities and differences. Use the Venn diagram below to show all your thinking. Topic #1 _____________________ Topic #2 _____________________ SAME
Character Roller Coaster Pages I read: _____________________________ In fictional texts characters can undergo many changes (that is one of the fun parts about reading fiction). Characters change their outside appearance, their thoughts, their feelings, and their relationships with others throughout a text. Your job today is to think about one of the MAJOR characters. Think about their characteristics at the beginning of the book and jot them down at the beginning of the roller coaster. Now think...has my character changed? How? Jot those down. You might not know all the changes yet, but you can be aware of your characters transformation! Beginning Now What Caused this change? Character Name: __________________________________
Character Maker Think about the Characters Your job is to pay close attention to the characters in your assigned reading for today. Brainstorm how the character feels, looks, thinks, and is treating others. You can use pictures, symbols, words or sentences. Be ready to share with your book club why you chose this character. Character Name: __________________________________
Self Evaluation Rate your Success Think about your participation and effort in Book Club throughout the last two weeks. Use the scale and questions below to rate yourself and then answer the questions that follow. Score 1 = Poor2 = Okay3 = Good4 = Great5 = Fantastic Reading the Book Finishing your Daily Work Coming Prepared to Book Club Participating in Book Club Discussions What did you enjoy most about Book Club? What did you learn from reading your book? What was difficult or challenging for you? What would you do different next time? Other Thoughts: