New Englanders Divided 2.5
Puritan Values Emphasis on conformity Intolerance to individualism & dissent Banishment
Roger Williams Critique of status quo –w/draw from Church of England –Separate church & state –Follow conscience/ faith is voluntary –Puritans not God’s special favorites Aim to strengthen religion 1636 Banished
Rhode Island Beacon of religious freedom –No est. church –No religious qual. for voting –No mandatory church attendance Safe for Dissenters, Jews, Catholics Government more democratic –Assembly twice a year –Gov. yearly –Frequent town meetings
Connecticut Religious disagreements in MA 1636 minister T. Hooker est. Hartford –Fundamental Orders of 1639 –gov’t modeled on MA –Didn’t have to be church member to vote 1638 New Haven –Even closer connection between church & state 1662 royal charter combined the two
Ann Hutchinson Challenge to Puritan leadership in MA –Church wrong to focus on attendance & behavior “saints” Challenge to gender norms Trial & Banishment (1637) –Divine revelation Quakers “inner light” –Persecution (1660)
Balance of Power Buy land or take land? Settlers have numbers Indians lack central govt
View of Indians Savages Dangerous temptation Obstacle to be removed
Pequot War 1637 Several CT settlers killed Troops from CT & MA w/ Narragansetts attack village at Mystic Set it on fire / kill those fleeing –500 men, women, children Last months Pequot exterminated
Results CT River Valley opened to settlement Indians intimidated Affirmation of Puritan sense of mission