1 DØ Grid PP Plans – SAM, Grid, Ceiling Wax and Things Iain Bertram Lancaster University Monday 5 November 2001.


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Presentation transcript:

1 DØ Grid PP Plans – SAM, Grid, Ceiling Wax and Things Iain Bertram Lancaster University Monday 5 November 2001

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 2 SAM, DØ, and the Grid lDØ Basics lWhat is SAM? èHistory èCurrent Deployment èCollaborators lSAM, Grid and Future Developments èOverview of Plans èUK Plans èCDF and SAM

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 3 The DØ Experiment lDetector Data è1,000,000 Channels èEvent size 250KB èEvent rate ~50 Hz èOn-line Data Rate 12 MBps èEst. 2 year totals (incl Processing and analysis): U1 x 10 9 events U~0.5 PB lMonte Carlo Data è5 remote processing centers èEstimate ~300 TB in 2 years.

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 4 Collaboration l~500 Physicists l72 institutions l18 Countries

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 5

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 6 SAM (DØ & FNAL Project) lSAM is Sequential Access to data via Meta-data lProject started in 1997 to handle DØ ’s needs for Run II data system. lSAM is a data-grid èNo fully functional Grid currently exists èSAM does have many GRID functionalities U Stations – logical collection of computers, networks, storage U Transparent access and transport of data between stations U Data Cataloguing – Replica Management U Fabric management U Job Submission on Local Station Only

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 7 Deployment

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 8 Deployment II Central Analysis Interconnected network of primary cache stations Communicating and replicating data where it is needed. MSS WAN Stations at FNAL Current active stations FNAL (several) Lyon FR (IN2P3), Amsterdam NL (NIKHEF) Lancaster UK Imperial College UK Others in US Datalogger Reco-farm ClueD0 LA N (Others)

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 9 Statistics lNumber of registered users: 360 lData in the system: 25 TB è160k files lAcessing > 3 TB a day èGoal 13 TB/day lFully integrated into DØ Analysis Framewrok 25TB

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 10 SAM Collaborators lPPDG - Particle Physics Data Grid èDØ Participation lCondor lGlobus l Fermilab CMS Computing Group l iVDGL International Virtual Data-Grid Laboratory. l IGMB – InterGrid Management Board

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 11 Future Plans SAM is an operational GRID lIdeal platform for demonstrating Grid technologies on the time scale of 2 years lModular design allows integration of modern Grid Tools lIdeal Testing Ground for LHC scale experiments èFull Scale Test of Grid Middleware

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 12 DØ Goals lDØ is fully committed to making SAM a fully functional GRID on the timescale of 2 years. lDØ is committed to using standard GRID tools wherever possible. lDØ has/is committing significant resources to the GRID.

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 13 General Goals 1.Use of standard middleware to promote interoperability 1.Globus Security infrastructure, Interoperability with Fermilab Kerberos security infrastructure 2.GridFTP as one of the supported file transfer protocols 3.Globus job submission. 4.Condor and extensions job submission 5.Publish availability and status of SAM station resources 6.Publish catalog of data files and their replicas using standard or standards emerging from PPDG and DataGrid

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 14 General Goals II 2.Additional Grid functionality for Job specification, submission and tracking. 1.Use of full Condor services for migration and checkpointing of jobs – as much as is possible with DØ software and the DØ software framework. This may require work on both Condor software to achieve full functionality 2.Building incrementally enhanced Job specification language and job submission services that ensure co-location of job execution and data files and reliably execute a chain of job processing, with dependencies between job steps. The first step in this is expected to be work in conjunction with the Condor team to provide for specification and execution of a Directed Acyclic Graph of jobs using an extended version of the DAGMAN product that CMS is testing for their MC job execution.

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 15 General Goals III 3.Enhancing Monitoring and Diagnostic capabilities 1.Extensions to existing system of logging all activities in the system to both local and central log files - as demanded by robustness and increased use of system. 2.Incorporation of emerging Grid Monitoring Architecture and monitoring tools. Little exists on this at this point and this work will involve working with other Grid projects and participating in Global Grid Forum working groups

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 16 Proposed Applications l Monte Carlo Production System èTo upgrade the distributed Monte Carlo production system as a short term use case for demonstrating, in an incremental fashion, essential components of the Grid. In particular this involves demonstrating transparent job submission to a number of DØ processing centres (SAM stations), reliable execution of jobs, transparent data access and data storage and an interface for users to understand and monitor the state of their MC requests and the resultant MC jobs and data that satisfy their requests

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 17 Proposed Applications lGeneral User Applications è To demonstrate analysis of data products (both MC and Detector Data) on desktop systems in the UK, using an enhanced version of the DØ SAM Grid system that incrementally incorporates Grid middleware components. This will not only demonstrate active use of a Grid for analysis but will also eventually demonstrate interoperability between the DØ Grid and other emerging Grid testbeds.

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 18 Milestones

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 19 CDF and SAM lRick St Denis Talk èCDF to use SAM for data access èUK setting up test facilities èCombined DØ and CDF Proposal

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 20 Proposal lRequest 6 FTEs è Four of the additional FTEs will work on integrating CORE Grid functionality into SAM (this talk) è One FTE for DØ applications (MC and Analysis) è One FTE integrate CDF software with SAM

5/11/2001 Iain A Bertram - Lancaster 21 Conclusions lSAM is an operational GRID lOffers great opportunity for testing GRID Middleware lGoal: Fully functional test-bed in two years.