PORPHYRIAS A group of rare disorders caused by deficiencies of enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway Affected individuals have an accumulation of heme precursors (porphyrins), which are toxic at high concentrations Attacks of the disease are triggered by certain drugs, chemicals, and foods, and also by exposure to sun Treatment involves administration of hemin, which provides negative feedback for the heme biosynthetic pathway, and therefore, prevents accumulation of heme precursors
PORPHYRIAS GLYCINE + SuccinylCoA -aminolevulinic acid(ALA) Porphobilinogen(PBG) hydroxymethylbilane uroporphyrinogen III coprophyrinogene III Protoporphyrinogene IX protoporphyrin IX Heme ALA synthase ALA dehydratase PBG deaminase Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase Coproporphyrinogen oxidase Protoporphyrinogen oxidase Ferrochelatase ALA-dehydratase Deficiency porphyria Acute intermittent porphyria Congenital erythropoietic porphyria Prophyria cutanea tarda Herediatary coproporphyria Variegate porphyria Erythropoietic protoporphyria Mitochondria
BLOOD CELLS LIVER Bilirubin diglucuronide (water-soluble) 2 UDP-glucuronic acid via bile duct to intestines Stercobilin excreted in feces Urobilinogen formed by bacteria KIDNEY Urobilin excreted in urine CO Biliverdin IX Heme oxygenase O2O2 Bilirubin (water-insoluble) NADP + NADPH Biliverdin reductase Heme Globin Hemoglobin reabsorbed into blood Bilirubin (water-insoluble) via blood to the liver INTESTINE Figure 2. Catabolism of hemoglobin
Jaundice Normal ranges: (bilirubin) Total bilirubin = mg/dL Direct bilirubin = less than 0.3mg/dL Indirect bilirubin = less than 0.9mg/dL Two forms Direct bilirubin: Conjugated with glucoronic acid Indirect bilirubin: unconjugated, insoluble in water.
A. Hemolytic anemia excess hemolysis unconjugated bilirubin B. Hepatitis unconjugated bilirubin conjugated bilirubin
C. Biliary duct stone conjugated bilirubin (in blood)
Lab results of three different causes of Jaundice ConditionSerum BillirubinUrine Urobilinogen Urine Biollirubin Fecal Urobilinogen NormalDirect: mg/dl Indirect: mg/dl 0-4mg/24hAbsent40-280mg/24h Hemolytic anemia Indirect (Increase)IncreasedAbsentIncreased HepatitisDirect &Indirect (Increased) Decreased if micro- obstruction present Present if micro- obstruction occurs Decreased Obstructive jaundice Direct(Increased)AbsentPresentTrace to absent
Genetic Disorders of Bilirubin Metabolism ConditionDefectBilirubinClinical Findings Crigler-Najjar syndrome-I severely defective UDP-glucuronyltransferase Unconjugated bilirubin Profound jaundice Dubin- Johnson syndrome abnormal transport of conjugated bilirubin into the biliary system Conjugated bilirubin Jaundice