Report of Evaluations 17 th Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute-St. Petersburg, Russia June Guillermo V. Martí Department of Physics – Tandar Laboratory CNEA – Buenos Aires - Argentina 1
First year (2003): A=193 Mass chain evaluation (under IAEA contract ARG R0, Mar03) Lab. TANDAR, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 193 At, 193 Po, 193 Bi, 193 Pb, 193 Tl, 193 Hg. Instituto de Física, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil: Evaluators: V.Vanin, R.M.Castro 193 Au, 193 Pt, 193 Ir, 193 Os, 193 Re. In the last attended meeting the 16 th Meeting of the NSDD network in Viena, November : Apr Complete evaluated mass chain uploaded to the NNDC. Aug Evaluation received by reviewer for processing. Nov Receive reviewer's report from NNDC. Apr-2005 – The TANDAR part of the mass chain revised according to the reviewer's report and re-sent to the NNDC. Oct Complete revised mass chain uploaded to the NNDC. Jan Publication as NDS 107, 1 (2006). 2
Second year (2004): A=191 Mass chain evaluation (under IAEA contract ARG R1, Apr04) Lab. TANDAR, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 191 At, 191 Po, 191 Bi, 191 Pb, 191 Tl, 191 Hg. Instituto de Física, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil: Evaluators: V.Vanin, N.L.Maidana, R.M.Castro 191 Au, 191 Pt, 191 Ir, 191 Os, 191 Re. Jul-2005-The TANDAR part of the revaluated mass chain sent to the NNDC. Jan-2007-Complete mass chain uploaded to the NNDC for review. May-2007-Reviewer's report received in Buenos Aires. Jun-2007-Reviewer's report received in Sao Paulo (V.Vanin). 3
4 Third year (2005): A=178 Mass chain evaluation (under IAEA contract ARG R2, Apr05) Tandar Laboratory, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 178 Re, 178 Os, 178 Ir, 178 Pt, 178 Au, 178 Hg, 178 Tl, 178 Pb. Mar First half of the reevaluated mass chain sent to the NNDC.
Fourth year (2007): A=178 Mass chain evaluation (under renewal IAEA contract ARG R0-Mar-07) Tandar Laboratory, CNEA, Argentina: Evaluators: E.Achterberg, O.A.Capurro, G.V.Martí 178 Yb, 178 Lu, 178 Hf, 178 Ta, 178 W. 5 Mar Second half of A=178 mass chain evaluation begun. Jun Yb, 178 Lu Ens-files first draft version ready. Feb Expected date to finish revision.