AVIATION WEATHER TESTBED UPDATE Amanda Terborg PG All-Hands call July 13 th, 2015
AWC PG - evaluations Demonstration notes: No midterm report completed due to time constraints In full planning for SE2015 (August 10-22) AWS convection Ceiling and Visibility via A2 D2D & GFE Tropical FA replacement exploration Preliminary feedback Cloud altitudes Nearcast GOES-R CI PGLM 1-minute imagery Icing A few others…
AWC PG – feedback… Cloud altitudes Identify only convective cloud tops Identify cloud bases better for C&V Nearcast Used often for CAWS to identify potential behavior of convection Works well for non-severe convection as well GOES-R CI Used often by the NAMs, one of the ‘vital’ things for CAWS survival PGLM Anticipating gridded version of the PGLM 1-minute imagery Majority still indicating 5-minute imagery as more useful, but CSIG utilizes 1-minute often for convection 1-minute also utilized in some cases for C&V
AWC PG – feedback… Icing Bases and tops are more useful than the index Need something for ICI GeoColor Began pulling wider domain this spring Still used fairly frequently with the FLS Used quite often on the AWC’s ‘situation board’ on the ops floor Volcanic Ash Starting to use volcano website designed by SSEC Really like the four-panel images provided there Used by the tropical desk, but also global folks Dust Dust enhancement now in ops and has been used in a number of dust storm cases this spring along with the sounder version
AWC PG – GOES-R ground readiness GRB Antenna install after July 31 st (flexible) Currently working on electrical upgrades at the AWC to accommodate the new systems Anticipate complete installation by the end of the year, followed by training PDA Successful manual connection to CBU/NSOF Anticipate automatic pull testing in the near future On the short list to possibly be included in QST testing in late summer – early fall of 2015
AWC PG – Himawari ground readiness Data ingest Currently testing McIDAS and the Himawari HSD to AREA conversion Eventual conversion from netcdf4 to AREA? Preparing code to ingest Himawari into AWC global mosaics Dataflow testing using HSD data… Forecaster thoughts Current mosaic Other capabilities…
AWC PG - AWIPS-2 Working with Monica & Co. on the NCP sat project Have successfully ingested and displayed most non-SBN data to NCP on test and ops systems Some not displaying all the time due a bug in ingesting images with the same navigations. Should be fixed soon… Working on getting these into D2D as well Will be working towards D2D ingest and display for the 2015 Summer Experiment No functioning LDAD on the test systems, so will be using non-SBN for all data ingest Slightly difficult given non-SBN process McIDAS default…