Cambrian School District Unaudited Actuals September 18, 2014 Jason E. Vann, CFO
Themes Summarize Unaudited Actual Results Next Steps
Unaudited Actuals In accordance with Ed Code 42100, the Board must approve the unaudited actuals prior to submission to the County District completed the close of the books on August 29 The following slides summarize the unaudited actuals for which reflect actual revenues, expenditures and fund balances as of June 30, 2014
General Fund Revenues - $26.2M LCFF $$ comes from 2 source: Property Tax $11,996,272 57% State Aid $ 8,987,920 43% LCFF Total$20,984, % State has not certified the portion of LCFF revenue that is base grant vs. supplemental grant
2 nd Interim vs. Unaudited Actuals - Revenue $659k increase compared to 2 nd interim the bulk of which related to last minute increase by State in per ADA funding ($248k), Prop 39 funds ($215k), one-time Program Improvement Funds ($135k) and Other ($61k) $1.6M increase from Adopted Budget due to Common Core ($677k), Prop 39 ($516k), late increase in per ADA funding ($258k), and other ($200k)
General Fund Expenditures - $28.0M 81% of expenditures attributed to salaries and benefits $1.2M increase over prior year for restoration from furlough
2 nd Interim vs. Unaudited Actuals - Expenditures $468k decrease compared to 2 nd interim the bulk of which related to restricted expenditures for Common Core and Prop 39 pushed to future years. $1.8M increase from Adopted Budget bulk due to negotiated salary and benefit increases and increase in Special Education program expenditures
General Fund Ending Balance - $6.7M Unrestricted Fund Balance $5.6 million MYP Deficit Spending (Per Adopted Budget)$3,166k 5% Reserve for Economic Uncertainty$1,400k LCFF Deferrals$ 629k Cash Flow / Strategic Plan$ 455k Restricted Fund Balance $1.1 million Prop 39 Clean Energy Jobs Act (Price Ceiling)$ 516k Common Core (2 PD days, Math Adoption)$ 430k Lottery (Instructional Materials)$ 80k Restricted Donations and Other$ 57k
Next Steps County Office of Education will review the Unaudited Actuals External auditors will perform the final audit procedures next week Final audit report will be presented to the Board by VTD in late Board by VTD during November of 2014
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