Coach Bolden Policies / Procedures
Policies (aka Rules) Respect o Yourself o Others around you o The teaching craft Work Hard o Don’t cheat yourself o Be prepared
Procedures Bell o Bellringer o Dismissal Work documentation (top right) o Name o Date (located on hallway board) o block
Procedures Seating o Assigned until I say otherwise (names) o Nailed down by 2 nd week (attendance) Attention o (me) Standing in front of you o (you) desk or outside
Procedures Moving around o restroom = tap head, wait for me, pass o pencil sharpened=hold it up, wait for me o paper=hold it up, wait for me Late work (non homework) o Next time class meets = 65 ceiling o 2 nd time class meets = 0
Procedures Homework grading o Sometimes grade for completion o Sometimes grade for correctness o Sometimes grade by class average completion Other grades o Tests o Notebook o Extra credit
Procedures Cell phones o I’ll let you know when you need them o Therefore, you don’t need them out unless I tell you o For tests, they go in a special place Food, Drink, Gum o 1 st block – be finished and thrown away by the time announcements are over o Everyone else - no
Final housekeeping items Subs – grades and behavior count twice Announcements / Intercom – in seat and quiet Pass left Tardies – mark and move on, 4 is referral Makeup work – check with me Visitor in room – something on your desk and quiet Other work / notes – if I’m talking I will throw it away What you will need??