Welcome to Our Class! Mr. Stumbo and Ms. Sutton Out learn……Out think Out Perform
Tribes Each table will create a tribe name, and a tribe flag to hang from the ceiling above the table. The teacher may re- arrange tribes at any time during the year. Tribes will work as a TEAM to complete certain tasks, and will be rewarded as a team.
Weekly Competition Tribes will be rewarded by the teacher with tally marks, for completing certain tasks. The tribe with the most tally marks on Friday will be rewarded with a special treat.
Your Torch Student behavior will be tracked with torch color. Poor behavior and failing to follow procedures will result in a color change. Students may reverse the color change with positive behavior. All torch colors reset to yellow daily. Yellow Torch—Great Job! Orange Torch—First Warning. Red Torch—Must walk for 5 minutes at recess. White Torch—Note Home, and walk all of recess. Black Torch—Student is sent to office to conference with the Principal.
Survivor Procedures Students will follow procedures in the classroom and around the school.
Accelerated Reader Survivors will work toward an Accelerated Reader Goal each 9 Weeks. Good Survivors are sure to read books twice before taking an AR quiz. Survivors must have permission before taking an AR quiz.
Hand Signals Students quietly make hand signals to the teacher for the following things: Bathroom Ask a question
Student Jobs Tribe Leaders Messenger Telephone Paper Passing Library Organizer Lunch Count Lights Bulletin Board Computer Gardener
Lunch Order Students place their stick to show if they want a Hot Lunch or Lunch From Home. One student records the lunch count and gives it to Mr. Stumbo.
Snack Students may keep a small bottle of water at their desk, as long as they can control it. The bottle must have a lid. Students may bring a healthy snack to eat before lunch. OK Examples—crackers, cheese, fruit, Cheeze It, Fruit Roll Up, animal crackers, granola bar, pretzels, Rice Crispy Treat, cereal bars Not OK Examples—potato chips, candy, chocolate, donuts, snack cakes, hot food, nothing to keep cold If you forget your snack, there may be crackers or another option if available.
Pencils Students will have sharpened pencils to use at their table. You are expected to take care of your pencil. In case of an emergency, there is a SHARPENED pencil basket and a NEEDS SHARPENED BASKET. Students may only sharpen pencils when they are asked by the teacher.