Copyright © 2000 Patrick McDermott The University of California Berkeley Extension Ants are a curious race; One crossing with hurried tread The body of one of their dead Isn’t given a moment’s arrest— Seems not even impressed. But he no doubt reports to any With whom he crosses antennae, And they no doubt report To the higher-up at court. — Robert Frost, Departmental (1936) How a corporation is organized & How I.T. Fits in.
Board of Directors President COO CEO 1,2 or 3 people CFOCIOCxO General Counsel …etc. The Corporate Hierarchy Chair Serves All Outsiders Same for PCCD BART, etc.
A Computer Department VP Operations VP Applications CIO DevelopmentMaintenance ComputersNetwork Database Or parallel the Company…
President, CEO The Corporate Ladder Manager Vice President Director Supervisor “Individual Contributor” Consultant Executives
Programmer Systems Programmer DBA Systems Analyst Manager
Chief Information Officer CIO should report directly to CEO Beware the Silicon Ceiling CTO –Chief Technology Officer CKO –Chief Knowledge Officer