1 Established air pollution regulation for key pollutants enforced Set goals and standards for the quality and purity of air.(1970)
2 Sets goals and standards for allowed levels of key water pollutants and requires a permit that limits how much pollutants can be discharged into aquatic systems. Aim: to make surface waters swimmable and fishable (1972)
3 (1973) Designed to protect species habitats and deals with enhancing survival of a species that are present in lower numbers. Put species protection ahead of economic considerations.
4 Part of this law requires wildlife agencies to review the use of underwater explosives and high intensity sonar before use. Protects whales, dolphins, sea lions, manatees.
5 Enacted in 1990 after the Exxon Valdez oil spill it streamlined the federal response to spills and clean ups. Also, it outlined measures to improve tanker safety. ANSWER:
6 (1977)This act intended, in part, to require coal companies to restore abandoned mining areas
7 The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act requires the clean up of sites contaminated with toxic wastes. It is also known by this short nick name.
8 (1996)Is designed to ensure that levels of pesticide residues in food meet strict standards for public health protection. This law overhauled the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the Insecticide, Rodenticide and Fungicide Act.
9 (1900)The ___________ act prohibits interstate transport of wild animals dead or alive without federal permit. Imposed penalties on those who illegally hunt or trade certain types of game
10 The _________ ___________ act bans ocean dumping of sewage,sludge and industrial waste poured into marine ecosystems.
11 Set minimum standards and regulates public drinking water and monitors tap water against harmful chemicals on the local and state level (1974)
12 (1987—1990—1992 The _____________ protocol has been successful. It sought to phase out the release of ozone depleting substances called CFC’s. The ozone protects the Earth’s surface from harmful radiation.
13 List species that cannot be traded on an international basis. Includes live specimens and wildlife products such as tusks that are exploited for the purpose of. The acronymn is acceptable for this one
14 An international agreement that seeks to control the amount of CFC emissions that have been shown to break down beneficial stratospheric ozone.
15 (1964)Established the National Wilderness Preservation System. The areas protected allow humans to visit but limits vehicle traffic and road building. The Linville Gorge is an example.
16 Environmental impact statements must be done before any project affecting federal lands can be done.
17 Protects rivers with consideration of aesthetic, recreational, wildlife, historical, or cultural reasons.
a federal act that protects birds from being exploited for their feathers and prohibits the disturbing of nests and eggs of nearly 800 species.
19 Established by Richard Nixon in 1970, this agency oversees and regulates most policies concerning the environment
20 This agreement named after a city in Japan seeks to set limits on emissions of greenhouse gasses from industrialized countries. Seeks to set goals to limit greenhouse gasses in developed countries. The US has not signed it.
21 determined how the United States federal government would control and manage the nuclear technology it had jointly developed with its wartime allies, the United Kingdom and Canada. Most significantly, the Act ruled that nuclear weapon development and nuclear power management would be under civilian, rather than military control, and it established the United States Atomic Energy Commission for this purpose.United States federal governmentnuclear technologynuclear weaponnuclear powerUnited States Atomic Energy Commission
22 regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, such as in nuclear medicine, through licensing, inspection and enforcement of its requirements.
Answers 1. Clean Air Act 2. Clean Water Act 3. Endangered Species Act 4. Marine Mammal Protection Act 5. Oil Pollution Act 6. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 7. “Superfund” 8. Food quality protection act. 9. Lacey act 10 Ocean Dumping Act 11. Safe Drinking Water Act 12. Montreal Protocol 13. CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 14. Montreal protocol 15. Wilderness Act16 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 17. National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 18. Migratory Bird treaty Act 19 EPA Environmental Protection Agency 20 Kyoto protocol 21 Atomic Energy Act 22 Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC)