Prescribing in Practice Part 2a Hospital, Non-NHS & AHP nurses
AIMS and OBJECTIVES To inform non medical prescribers about:- Types of prescribing in Hospitals Prescriptions for non-NHS and AHPs Potential areas for error in prescription writing At the end of the session students will understand all the above issues and have had practical experience of writing prescriptions using their BNF.
Hopital Based Nurses Hospital based nurses may use one of three methods to prescribe: 1)Ward order to be used for inpatients and discharge supplies only. A prescription charge is not levied on inpatients.
Hospital Nurses (Cont.) 2)Internal hospital prescription form- To be used for outpatients – but only in cases where the hospital pharmacy will dispense the prescription. A prescription charge may be payable, unless the patient is exempt from prescription charges. For this reason these types of form often resemble an FP10
Hospital Nurses (Cont.) 3)FP10HP prescription form to be used where the prescription will be dispensed by a community pharmacist. Managers of hospital based nurses should order FP10HP which will be supplied ready for hand stamping with nurse and hospital details: Non Medical PRESCRIBER NMC No. or other registration number
Non NHS Nurses & AHPs A Non NHS Nurse Prescriber cannot issue a FP10 type out-patient prescription, unless the organisation they work for has an arrangement with the NHS provider (e.g. Primary Care Trust) AHPs: A mechanism is in place for the Health Professions Council to record the supplementary prescribing qualification after AHPs have qualified as prescribers.
Who knows What the new system will be in primary care
Changes of NMP details Employers will need to keep a database of Nurse Prescriber details and inform the NHSBSA of changes as soon as possible. At least five days is needed between changes of details and re-ordering of prescription pads. Hospital based nurses will not need to do this but if names or numbers are changed then hand stamps will need to be changed accordingly.
This work was produced as part of the TIGER project and funded by JISC and the HEA in For further information see: This work by TIGER Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at The TIGER project has sought to ensure content of the materials comply with a CC BY NC SA licence. Some material links to third party sites and may use a different licence, please check before using. The TIGER project nor any of its partners endorse these sites and cannot be held responsible for their content. Any logos or trademarks in the resource are exclusive property of their owners and their appearance is not an endorsement by the TIGER project.