By the late 1800s democrats held most of the public offices. They cut debt by lowering government salaries and paying veteran pensions with land Lack of debt allowed them to lower taxes.
The peace was held by Texas rangers Texas rangers have to take care of train robbers, horse thieves, and fighters. However sometimes the rangers failed there job raising debt
Due to the debt the government gave land grants to investors, in exchange the investors paid for the building cost. The state held a contest to see who would build the capitol in 1881 Elijah Myers won.
Economy messed up the farmers profit seeds cost to much and sold for to little. Farmers blamed business men for bad economy. Farmers united to take action against railroads to try to lower prices.
Farmers united to make the Peoples Party. The Peoples Party formed the Southern Alliance which are ex people from the Farmers Parties. Two people owned most railroads in Texas Coils P Huntington and Jay Gould.
James Hogg worked with major companies to make trust. Trust is a group of firms that agree to work together.
Women did not have the right to vote tell Many groups fought to give the women rights. In 1893 people formed the Texas Equal Rights Association.