John, was a man, who was easy to hate. He was always in such a good mood and always said something positive. John, John, was a man, who was easy to hate. He was always in such a good mood and always said something positive.
If he was asked: ‘’how are you’’, he always replied: “if l was any better, l would be twins!!!” If he was asked: ‘’how are you’’, he always replied: “if l was any better, l would be twins!!!”
He was a born motivator. If one of his friends had a bad day, John would paint it in a positive way.
I was always curious how he does it, so one day, l asked him : “l don’t understand. There is no way you can always be so positive! How do you do it ?” “l don’t understand. There is no way you can always be so positive! How do you do it ?” I was always curious how he does it, so one day, l asked him : “l don’t understand. There is no way you can always be so positive! How do you do it ?” “l don’t understand. There is no way you can always be so positive! How do you do it ?”
John said: “Every morning, as l wake up, l say to myself: you have TWO OPTIONS.” I can be in a good or in a bad mood, I choose the good. I choose the good.
Anytime something bad happens to me, l can choose to be a victim, or l may learn from the experience. I choose to learn. Anytime something bad happens to me, l can choose to be a victim, or l may learn from the experience. I choose to learn.
Anytime someone complains, I have an option to accept the complaint or to seek the positive side of it. I choose to find the light in the darkness. Anytime someone complains, I have an option to accept the complaint or to seek the positive side of it. I choose to find the light in the darkness.
“Yeah yeah, but that is not as simple as that,” l argued.
“Of course it is” John responded. “All things in life are decisions. When you remove all the rest, every situation is really a decision – a choice.”
It is YoU, who decides how to react.
It is YoU, who decides how people will affect how you feel.
It is YoU, who decides upon good or bad mood. … and it is YoU, who decides what kind of LiFe you lead. It is YoU, who decides upon good or bad mood. … and it is YoU, who decides what kind of LiFe you lead.
I was thinking a lot about his words. In time, we lost touch. But, anytime l ‘chose’ instead of ‘simply accepted’ – l thought of him.
Many years later, l found out he suffered a dangerous fall, and had a 18-hour long surgery. He was hospitalized for many weeks.
I saw him about half year after the accident, and my question, how was he, was replied: ‘’if l was any better, l would be twins.’’
I asked him, what did he think of, while he was falling. “My family, at first.” As l was on the ground, l remembered l had two choices: l can choose LiFe or l can choose death. I chose LiFe. I chose LiFe. As l was on the ground, l remembered l had two choices: l can choose LiFe or l can choose death. I chose LiFe. I chose LiFe.
John described: “ Doctors and nurses were worried, l was already dead for them. When they asked me if l was allergic to something, l said: only to gravitation.”
After they stopped laughing, l said: ‘’l chose to live, so operate me as alive, not as dead.’’
John made did because of his ATTITUDE.
It was than, l realized, l need to take LiFe in my own hands.
I hope you choose LoVe, LighT & YoU.