Engendering the census Preparatory activities: census content census operations Examples: Changing census questions to better capture employment Part-time work Secondary economic activities Training enumerators to ensure information is accurate for both men and women
Key definitions Gender: refers to the relatively fluid socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women Feminine and Masculine Sex: the relatively fixed biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women Female and Male
Gender statistics is about identifying, producing, disseminating, and analyzing statistics …. to understand how gender issues affect individuals and society.
Gender statistics is not about women only. It is about the role of both women and men in society.
Three components of gender analysis (1) sex-disaggregated data + (2) analysis + (3) gender perspective = gender analysis
“…there is a lack of sex-disaggregated data on many of the topics…” United Nations Statistics Division
Census data disaggregated by sex " should be considered the overriding variable in all tables, irrespective of the medium of storage or dissemination. This disaggregation by gender should be provided in all publications, databases and computer printouts of census tables on individuals." Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses (UNSD, 2008)
Three components of gender analysis (1) sex-disaggregated data + (2) analysis + (3) gender perspective = gender analysis
What is data analysis? in-depth review of the data exploring data with particular issues in mind visualization / graphing cross-tabulation drawing out key findings and messages commentary and descriptive text ...
Six phases of census operations (UNSD, 2008): 1. preparatory work 2. enumeration 3. data processing 4. build databases and disseminate results 5. evaluation of the results 6. analysis of the results
Generic Statistical Business Process Model (UNECE, 2009)
UNSD recommendations for analysis Draw up a multi-year programme of analytical studies descriptive summaries policy-oriented studies of census results detailed analytical studies of particular issues Invite others to participate in the analysis programme government organizations research institutions non-government organizations Link census results to other surveys, etc Encourage researchers to do their own analyses
(1) sex-disaggregated data + (2) analysis + (3) gender perspective = gender analysis Three components of gender analysis
Beijing Platorm for Action (1995) A 2010 review found that after 15 years : Progress cannot be measured in critical areas because of “ limited or non - existent data ” “ despite efforts to improve…many gaps remain ” “ need for increased investment in data collection and analysis ” Source : Commission on the Status of Women 2010 ( E / CN.6/2010/ CRP.5)
Gender perspective How can we ensure statisticians / statistical products have a gender focus? training employing gender experts within the NSO working with gender equality organizations and experts creating a gender statistics unit participating in groups and conferences focused on gender issues ...