About Me Hello, my name is Kevin Walker. I was born October 25 th, 1991 in Annapolis, Maryland. I went to Southern High School and played football and baseball. I was also a member of the Model United Nations club and the National Honor’s Society. I love to cook and try new foods, and I’m always open to new things.
My Major I plan to major in Aerospace Engineering and am contemplating a minor in a foreign language. I chose this major because I want to fly and design aircraft. I plan to open a business with lithium ion celled private and commercial planes.
Future Goals I am currently in Air Force ROTC and hope to become a pilot out of college. After my four years of service I hope to start a business and, or fly commercial airlines. As for education, I hope to graduate in 4 years and maybe do an internship or two over the summers.
Hobbies My hobbies include: Football Baseball Rocket Models Music Cooking Mountain Biking Rock Climbing Skiing