SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 Melati Lye Senior Planner - Client Management Strategic Development
AIMS State Government Policy which aims to: Increase the supply and diversity of residences that meets the needs of seniors or people with a disability Make efficient use of existing infrastructure and services, and Be of good design Link to the policy +cd+0+N
KEY CONCEPTS Where “Seniors” refers to: People aged 55 or more People who are resident at a facility at which residential care (Commonwealth Aged Care Act 1997) is provided People who have been assessed as eligible to occupy housing for aged persons provided by a social housing provider
KEY CONCEPTS “Seniors Housing” is accommodation for seniors or people with a disability consisting of: a residential care facility, or a hostel, or a group of self contained dwellings, or a combination of these
KEY CONCEPTS A residential care facility includes meals and cleaning services, personal care or nursing care or both, appropriate staffing, furniture, furnishings and equipment. A hostel provides meals, laundering, cleaning and other facilities on a shared basis and at least one staff member available on site 24 hours a day to manage services. A self-contained dwelling could be attached or detached where cooking, sleeping and washing facilities are included in the dwelling – no services provided. Serviced self-care housing are self contained dwellings where meals, cleaning services, personal care and nursing are available on site.
PROVISIONS Clause 15 - Permits the following development (with consent) despite the provisions of any other planning instrument: development on land zoned primarily for urban purposes for any form of seniors housing development on land that adjoins land zoned primarily for urban purposes for any form of seniors housing consisting of a hostel, a residential care facility or serviced self care housing
PROVISIONS Clause 23 – Development on land used for the purposes of an existing registered club the proposed development must provide “appropriate” measures to separate the club from the residential areas to avoid land use conflicts, and an “appropriate” protocol will be provided to manage the relationship between the proposed development and the club’s gambling facilities.
PROVISIONS Clause 24 – Site compatibility certificate from Director- General (DP&I) is required for developments on the following land: adjoins land primarily for urban purposes within a “special uses” zone used for the purposes of an existing registered club, or the development has a floor space ratio greater than that permitted under another environmental planning instrument
PROVISIONS (continued) Part 2 : Site-related requirements Clause 26 – Location and access to services Clause 27 – Bushfire prone land Part 3 : Design requirements Clause 30 – Site analysis Part 4 : Development Standards Clause 40 – Size of the site must be at least 1,000 sqm Site frontage must be at least 20 metres wide