The Day of Salvation
A D AY OF H EALING (3:1-11) Man did not expect what he received, 3:1-7 Man did not expect what he received, 3:1-7 – Consider things for which we beg: Freedom of the world…bondage of sin Freedom of the world…bondage of sin Everything others have…covetousness Everything others have…covetousness Recognition from others…pride Recognition from others…pride – How often do we beg for: Truth? Forgiveness? Contented godliness? Truth? Forgiveness? Contented godliness? 2
A D AY OF H EALING (3:1-11) Man praised God for his healing, 3:8-9 Man praised God for his healing, 3:8-9 – He knew its value and thanked God – We must know value of spiritual healing and praise God – Man was seeking alms and found healing – what are you seeking? (Matt. 6:33) People were amazed, and gathered, 3:10-11 People were amazed, and gathered, 3:
A D AY OF P REACHING (3:12-21) Introduction, 3:12 Introduction, 3:12 – This healing was from God Peter’s sermon, 3:13-18 Peter’s sermon, 3:13-18 Gospel invitation, 3:19-21 Gospel invitation, 3:
Peter’s Sermon (3:13-18) TRUTH 3:13: God glorified His Servant, Jesus 3:13: God glorified His Servant, Jesus – Pilate -- Release 3:14: Holy and Just 3:14: Holy and Just 3:15: Prince of Life 3:15: Prince of Life 3:15: God raised Him from the dead 3:15: God raised Him from the dead OPPOSITION You delivered Him up You delivered Him up – You denied him Asked for a murderer Asked for a murderer You killed him You killed him Proof: Eyewitnesses Proof: Eyewitnesses 5
A D AY OF P REACHING (3:12-21) Peter’s sermon, 3:13-18 Peter’s sermon, 3:13-18 – The power that healed the man, 3:16 His “name” (power) / “Faith in His name” His “name” (power) / “Faith in His name” Faith was prerequisite in miracle worker, Jno. 11:43-44; Matt. 12:22; 17:14-21 Faith was prerequisite in miracle worker, Jno. 11:43-44; Matt. 12:22; 17:14-21 – They sinned in ignorance, 3:17-18 God fulfilled His word God fulfilled His word 6
A D AY OF P REACHING (3:12-21) Gospel invitation, 3:19-21 Gospel invitation, 3:19-21 – Parallel to and explanation of 2:38, 3:19 – Second coming at the last day, 3:20 – Restoration: “to set in order”, 3:21 Spiritual restoration accomplished in the apostolic age, Isa. 49:5-6; Heb. 9:10; Col. 2:16-17 Spiritual restoration accomplished in the apostolic age, Isa. 49:5-6; Heb. 9:10; Col. 2:16-17 – Prophets spoke of it: these days, 3:21, 24 – Time element: to you first (Jews), 3:26 7
A D AY OF D ECISION (3:22-26) The Prophet must be heard, 3:22 The Prophet must be heard, 3:22 – In all things, Heb. 1:1-2; Col. 3:17 The disobedient are lost forever, 3:23; 2 Ths. 1:8-9 The disobedient are lost forever, 3:23; 2 Ths. 1:8-9 Prophetic message is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, 3:24 Prophetic message is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, 3:24 Jews were situated to believe, obey and be blessed with redemption, 3:25-26 (4:1-4) Jews were situated to believe, obey and be blessed with redemption, 3:25-26 (4:1-4) 8